Once I went over to photograph my local useful idiots at their protest. Their leader came up to me and told me "You can't take our picture!!", to which I replied "Gee whiz, this looks like a public street corner to me" as I took her picture. She was really mad, but couldn't do a thing about it.
If they are harrassing you by getting in your face and interfering with you photo taking, they are breaking the law. It's called harrassment. Call the police next time and get them straitened out. You are free to take photos in a public place as long as you are not interefering with their right to protest.
Thanks for the photos, and keep up the good work.
What the commie demonstrated to you by saying, "You can't take my picture" is that if they were in charge, they'd be dictators and the public would be at the mercey of their feelings and not ruled by laaws. The difference can be summed up in one word, "Freedom".