To: TPartyType
I only get frustrated when I read these silly threads. What a hollow victory.
Actually, it's not. Why do you see only the hard core moonbats now and hardly any young people? Because the opposition made them think...and not come back.
You never know when you plant a seed in a liberal's mind if they begin to realize how goofy and/or Marxist leaning their leaders are, but you can see the results plainly in reduced numbers. And conservatives passing by are encouraged to battle liberals in their own way. And wishy washy middle of the roaders sometimes make their choice right there.
Furthermore, the troops do notice and it lets them know that America loves them. Yesterday we were at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base where moonbats go every Monday (and are counter protested!) and just had flags and support signs. It was not much really, but the troops loved it because they get so little public accolades. These men and women deserve all the support and counter-protesting we can give them.
Furthermore, the Pro Life protesters have been standing in public with signs and handing out leaflets ever since Roe vs. Wade. Years later, they are getting close to winning. What if they had just given up? How much more would the population have been reduced over the years?
It would be great if we could all stand around in the library drinking tea and discussing weighty matters with the most logical argument winning but the world doesn't work that way.
Sure, this type of protesting may be too frustrating for you. It's not for everybody. And I appreciate every reasoned letter to the editor or government official you write, and every other step you take to resist liberals and bring sanity back to America. But as you leave the ping list, please don't denigrate what you don't understand.
185 posted on
01/29/2006 6:22:23 AM PST by
(Give me Liberty or give me the ACLU)
To: \/\/ayne
Thanks. I
do understand what you're saying and I appreciate what you're doing and, especially
why you're doing it.
The Pro life movement provides a great distinction: I'm a member myself, and I think an annual March on Washington, or one's capital, or occasional activism is right, good and salutary.
It's the act of weekly street activism that I think becomes addictive and can potentially turn one into a radical. And ending abortion is a whole lot more grave a matter than being motivated by wanting to embarrass some other group. That's all I'm trying to get FReepers to consider.
But I understand that many street activists are positively motivated, that they just want to stand and be heard or make a simple statement and make sure the troops feel supported and that embarrassing the opposition is just a nice consequence of their action.
Anyway, thanks, Wayne for not jumping in my sh*t . . . is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson