To: 300magnum
I heard the soldiers using Hooah before Iraq, they used it a lot in the movie Blackhawk Down, which means they were using it during and before Somalia.
We were not using it up to the time I retired in 1985.
VN was a bit different.
Sarge you just mortared a village. ¨Sorry about that¨
We are dropping your company into this LZ, there is an expected battalion of hard core VC in the area. ¨Ooh number fu$king ten¨
We´re getting shot at sarge ¨No shit GI¨
45 posted on
01/27/2006 12:10:32 PM PST by
(A strong democracy through citizen oversight.)
To: Americanexpat
I worked with a guy that did a couple of tours in Nam. He said when they went out through the villages the locals would beg for cigarettes. If he threw out some Winstons or 'Boros they'd yell GI number 1, GI number 1! When he'd throw out the cartons of Pall Mall's (no filter of course so nobody wanted to smoke them) they'd yell GI number 10!!, GI number 10!!
47 posted on
01/27/2006 12:25:40 PM PST by
(We know that if evil is not confronted, it gains in strength and audacity, and returns to strike us)
To: Americanexpat
Don't forget this one, "Bravo company got hit in an NDP last night. Spooky was on call, lotsa gooks got waxed on our claymores and FPF's".
Reply:"There it is"!!!
69 posted on
01/28/2006 4:55:42 PM PST by
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