To: bigLusr
So if we get 55 for cloture, 31 against and 14 present.....
What happens next?
187 posted on
01/27/2006 10:24:18 AM PST by
(Alito Battle - Liberals expected Armageddon & got Dunkirk. (C. Krauthammer)
To: Chuck54
The nomination will still be up for debate. Cloture requires 3/5 of those present to vote for.
Not that it'll happen...
192 posted on
01/27/2006 10:25:34 AM PST by
(Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur)
To: Chuck54
Where did you get such an idea that 14 would vote present?
193 posted on
01/27/2006 10:26:18 AM PST by
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