To: Cboldt
This may have been asked and answered but here goes.......
If the cloture vote Monday at 4:30 is held and all the gang of 14 (7) Democrats vote present instead of NO on the filibuster will it still require 60 votes to invoke cloture?
179 posted on
01/27/2006 10:20:36 AM PST by
(Alito Battle - Liberals expected Armageddon & got Dunkirk. (C. Krauthammer)
To: Chuck54
Yes. You still have to go through the motions.
182 posted on
01/27/2006 10:21:49 AM PST by
(Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur)
To: Chuck54
4:30 Monday was chosen because everyone expect to be in town to be at the SOTU address on Tuesday.
To: Chuck54
Why on earth would they do THAT?? Such a thing won't happen.
191 posted on
01/27/2006 10:25:12 AM PST by
("We are fighting al-Qaeda, NOT Aunt Sadie"...Dick Cheney commenting on the wiretaps!!)
To: Chuck54
If the cloture vote Monday at 4:30 is held and all the gang of 14 (7) Democrats vote present instead of NO on the filibuster will it still require 60 votes to invoke cloture? Yes. Passing the motion requires 60 affirmative votes.
516 posted on
01/27/2006 12:16:03 PM PST by
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