""If you're disliked by Jews because of your appearance, you can be sure that these are liberal Ashkenazi Jews (of European descent).""
I want you to think about that very very carefully. "Of European descent"..... BECAUSE THE JEWS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT ARE MORE LIKELY TO HAVE BLUE EYES TOO. Not all, but more than the sephardic. And whats wrong with being Ashkenazi Jewish anyway?
Yes, many have blue eyes, but they sure don't look like Jimmy Johnson.
Nothing wrong with being Ashkenazi (I'm one myself). It's the liberal Ashkenazis that I have a problem with. The Orthodox and Hasidic Jews vote Republican, they're also Ashkenazi. Liberal Ashkenazis wring their hands over the rate of Jewish intermarriage. Meanwhile, the Orthodox and Hasidim never intermarry and have lots of kids. They, along with the Sephardim are the future of Judaism.
The Rob Reiners and Billy Crystals of the world will not have Jewish great grandchildren, as their religion is not Judaism, it's liberal secularism. Why should their kids and grandkids feel any need to preserve their heritage, if they think being Jewish means nothing more than eating bagels and lox and telling jokes that contain the occasional Yiddish expression?
The hypocrisy of liberal Ashkenazi Jews is that they'll go to synagogue and basically tune out the rabbi when he speaks about biblical prophecies, the coming of the Messiah, etc. Then, when Christian fundamentalists talk about these same ideas, all of the sudden, they pay attention and they're frightened and outraged. In other words, it's okay for a rabbi to talk about that stuff in a synagogue, as long as no one is really listening and no one takes it seriously.