I agree with your joke, but I wonder how much Senator Kerry and VP Gore are like Cindy Sheehan. They will do anything for the attention of the media cameras.
Without the media how Kerry would go crazy! But my caption is about his past. "reporting for duty."
I really want to see his ORIGINAL DD214 please.
My Caption to your picture is not so funny as yours but I think important:
So what did you REALLY do in Paris while you were still in the US Navy?
I may not be lawyer smart or a US Senator- but I never did treason.
How many soldiers did died because of his words and actions made the war last longer when we could have won it without his dishonorable lies and false accusations. Who replaced him because he cheated his way back to the World?
I am sorry to be depressing, because you and the other FREEPERS are so funny at this, but looking at him makes me angry at him. He should be in Leavenworth, not Senator. The only problem with laughing at this man is that we maybe forget that he is a traitor during wartime to the US. Not laughter for the "Winter Soldier" but contempt.
I am sorry to break up the humor, but I think whenever we see this man we need to never forget his acts and words.
Buddha Bless the USA
Kerry Lied
Millions Died
The top picture was a young John Kerry in partial uniform testifying before congress, sadly, it seems to have dropped off the web.