To: Mo1
Let's see, nothing else really. Snowe was supposed to speak but she was a no-show. I stopped watching when Hume's show came on.
To: A Citizen Reporter
Innofe keeps quoting Kennedy and pointing out how Kennedy was wrong with this facts .. LOL!!
1,215 posted on
01/26/2006 3:58:12 PM PST by
(Republicans protect Americans from Terrorists.. Democrats protect Terrorists from Americans)
To: A Citizen Reporter
Hi! Just got home and I see good old Jeff Sessions is on! Go, Jeff!
1,221 posted on
01/26/2006 4:08:18 PM PST by
Miss Marple
(Lord, please look after Mozart Lover's son and keep him strong.)
To: A Citizen Reporter
oh oh ... Sessions is up
Did I miss anything?
1,222 posted on
01/26/2006 4:08:49 PM PST by
(Republicans protect Americans from Terrorists.. Democrats protect Terrorists from Americans) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson