Did you see where C-Span temporarily had Nelson from FL as a "yes"? (They had both Nelson of FL and Neson of NE as "yes").
What a joke!
I said to my wife "there is no way that yes man lackey would vote for Alito. Got to be a typo." He is a clone of Bob Graham, just a yes man to the RAT power brokers.
95 posted on
01/25/2006 6:53:16 AM PST by
(Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.)
To: Dont_Tread_On_Me_888
Suffering through the first of what may be thousands of quorum calls. This maneuver is really chicken____.
97 posted on
01/25/2006 6:55:17 AM PST by
Founding Father
(The War Against Western Civilization Has Begun)
To: Dont_Tread_On_Me_888
Nelson of FL is a NO vote. At lesat that's what I heard on the radio today. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson