There is no way to guarantee a time, other than a cloture vote occurs with one full day intervening between filing the motion and taking the cloture vote.
If a cloture motion was filed today (it won't be), the cloture vote would be on Friday.
I'm not sure if there is some arcane rule regarding weekend "days," but assume they are like weekdays. To wit, a cloture motion filed on Friday could result in a cloture vote on Sunday. Under ordinary circumstances, with no session days scheduled for weekend, a cloture motion filed on Friday results in a cloture vote on the Tuesday following.
Another point is that a failed cloture vote does -NOT- kill the nomination. If there is a cloture vote, expect a few points of order being raised before the cloture vote is taken. you think it will be a weekend session..after all the Redskisn are otu of the playoffs...BTW..surprised that Reid had no opening comments? he plotting something?