My definition of a Conservative is someone who wants to "conserve" the original intent of the Constitution. Part of that Constitituion contains a Bill of Rights which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". In my interpretation, that is pretty much the extent of what religion has to do with being Conservative.
Ah the Constitution was established upon the belief that the Creator gave unalienable RIGHTS that man/government could not take or give. Then there was the "Bill of Rights".
I am one. And your definition of a conservative is excellent.
I am a small govt conservative who while disdainful of abortion don't think it's my place to decide it for a woman who will be the one to live with her own decisions, and who will pass on her experiences, good or bad, to her fellow women.
My tagline says it all. This Govt verges on fascism/socialism and the religious HAVE NOT been the spearhead of smaller Govt, but in fact have promoted in largest part the opposite.
Hayek stated he wasn't a conservative because he thought they accepted almost all the socialist policies of the Marxist left of Govt interventionism. In too many respects, and to the chagrin of many conservatives, W has proved this out.
My definition of a Conservative is someone who wants to "conserve" the original intent of the Constitution. Part of that Constitituion contains a Bill of Rights which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". In my interpretation, that is pretty much the extent of what religion has to do with being Conservative.