I did my tour in Vietnam and sure did not want to be there. I am not an expert and am not a hero. I won't pretend that because my number came up in the lottery that I am special. I do want peoples respect that I served and did my job and I expect that the kids that are currently doing their job be supported and respected.
I know these highly trained troops know an awful lot more than I about their equipment and the level of success they are achieving than an old retired marine.
Fair enough and thanks for your service.
Some of his statements about the nature of the mission show that he has no idea what the Corps (and the other services) have been doing to refine doctrine over the last 30 years. It wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't know who John Boyd is. Most people don't, but a guypassing himself of as an expert on the Marine Corps should, and I bet he has no idea who Boyd is or how his theories have revolutionized the Corps.