"This guy is married to a woman who wants to raise her kids and I think he probably disrespects that about her."
You may be right; I'm probably terribly naive, but don't couples TALK about things like kids/no kids, how to handle raising them, etc.? Or was that just me and my husband?
Yes, they agree and then at some point, one starts to resent the other...then it's "oh if you worked, we would have enough money for this and that..." Likewise, it can be, "oh, if you earned more money and weren't such a loser, we could do this and that."
Also, there is a mindset that people are what they do and they are therefore measured by how much they earn and how important their societal title is. Suddenly the housewife is lowly indeed. Can't earn any less than that. Read this thread. Some men (and sadly women, too) see housewives as disposable house pets they don't want anymore and as leeches. It is quickly forgotten about the raising the kids thingy.