Funny thing, the Lord healed me after lots of repentance and I stopped praying for healing, but rather to be closer to Him, whether sick, dead or well. Benny Hinn wasn't needed at all! And I thought the protestants were supposed to do away with intermediaries.
A woman at the Messianic congregation that I know, was healed of cancer after being given a few months to live and after telling the Lord she was fine with Him taking her home or healing her even though she would rather be healed to spend time with her kids, she was going to accept His will. Some Christians are healed and some are not.
It's not easy accepting His will if it goes contrary to ours. And especially if you watch TBN where "OUR wills be done" and if one doesn't receiving healing, a new car, a husband, a new job, etc., etc. then "you don't have enough faith". And all that favor that Osteen and Warren say is supposed to get Christians a good parking space and a good deal on shopping. What concern for worldly things. What blasphemy! They forget the saints who have been martyred.
Isa 57:1 The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
You might find the article at the link interesting. Another article along the same lines points out how so many of the "faith giants" wear glasses (Creflo Dollar, Paul Crouch, Joyce Meyer, et al.). Don't they have enough faith to proclaim perfect eyesight for themselves?