Ok, I'm going to put some html text here for your partridge in a gold, and a browngold frame. Where I have written "A whole bunch of text goes here." Replace with whatever you want to say. :) Copy and paste this in your comment form. You also have FR mail - some gradient ribbons to use.
<center> <table background="http://d21c.com/billie/backgrounds/goldribbon.jpg" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=2>
<table background="http://d21c.com/billie/backgrounds/browngradientpatternbg.jpg" cellpadding=6>
<table bgcolor=white width=400 cellpadding=30>
<img src="http://fashion-era.com/images/xmas/1partridgeinpeartree.jpg" width=300 height=205>
<center><font color=996633><b>
A whole bunch of text can go here.