"We learned to believe in the United States. We have a binational life," he said of Zacatecas, a state that has been sending migrants north for more than a century. "It isn't just a feeling of rejection. It's against what we see as part of our life, our culture, our territory."
Can you imagine the reaction if someone stated that we felt as if Mexico was part of "our territory"?
Congress should have proposed a shoot on sight bill, then they could compromise on a secure wall the entire length of the border with Mexico having to pay to feed the wild animals that would be deprived of their free meals, dead mexicans.
"It isn't just a feeling of rejection. It's against what we see as part of our life, our culture, our territory."
Note the operative word: "OUR Territory". We have an enemy within the US, a "human rights org" called "La Raza" which means, if you forgot your spanish, "THE people". Not you, Mr. White Man, but "THE people". Get It yet you up there in the liberal Northeast and wacko Northwest? They dont give a c#)O( about our border, only about their "Territory".