To: highlander_UW
Disagree with scripture?, No, just the philster distortion and interpretations of modern day Philistines. Insult? No, just observation.
69 posted on
12/21/2005 7:03:27 AM PST by
(Character Matters!)
Disagree with scripture?, No, just the philster distortion and interpretations of modern day Philistines. Insult? No, just observation. Your ignorance of scripture seems to be the root of your vitriol. Perhaps at this Christmas time you might find time to spend some of it in the scriptures...and you will discover that believers in Christ are referred to as the saints...and none of the cases was a Roman pope involved as a prerequisite.
But honestly, it seems pointless to continue any sort of discussion with you on the scriptures as you do not evidence any familiarity with them nor any concern with the glorious truths God provides in them.
71 posted on
12/21/2005 7:08:11 AM PST by
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