This thread has become an object lesson on why most molestations never get reported.
If common people off the street can conduct such efficient ad hoc inquisitions, imagine how a trained lawyer would destroy a victim foolish enough to take the stand.
It's a lot easier to live with the destruction in private.
In a weird way, perhaps my parents did me a kindness by not making it possible for the uncle's defense attorney to publicly disembowel a 10 year old in a court of law.
Maybe the mother knew that too and made sure her daughter wouldn't face further humiliation.
There's the concept of 'wrong execution; right idea' to consider.
Mamma may have known things the press isn't reporting. That part of it the public will likely never know.
Todays court systems though like you say would tear any kids testimony apart. And a look at articles like this one Judge Orders Release Of Sexually Violent Predator gives a person plenty to consider about the ills in our current justice system.