Discrace? We all know the real problem is immigration. Why would you rather cede intrusive powers to the government when defending our borders is its real job? Besides, just imagine a John Kerry, a Hillary Clinton, or an Al Gore with these kinds of powers. Don't forget that one of the proposed "Patriot Act" clauses was a provision to allow the military to disarm Americans, such as was the (illegal) case in New Orleans this year during the Katrina crisis.
The real discrace is on both sides of the aisle for refusing to deport illegally entered Muslims and Hispanics, and for refusing to admit that our immigration policy needs to explicitly avoid certain ethnic groups.
That some members of Congress know certain elements of the Patriot Act are flawed is a pleasant surprise.
"Don't forget that one of the proposed "Patriot Act" clauses was a provision to allow the military to disarm Americans,"
What junk have you been smoking, or what nonsense have you been reading from some junk website? Read the text of the act, not some biased pundit's opinion.