Luggage? Two pieces. And they were his.
Somehow, I think that if this had gone differently and the guy blew up the plane and the terminal, you'd be here carping about the sky marshalls not doing their job.
Well, the whole thing had the look of a drug deal gone bad. The way the media presented it, initially, that this plane had just come in from Columbia. The 'courier' is now dead and his effects blown up. The only witness are the Sky Marshalls...
But, yes, I probably would and even now DO complain about the Sky Marshalls. Why? Because they should be on EVERY plane.
Beyond that, I think that every time a Govt. agent shoots someone, we should all take a good hard look. This is the perfect forum for that, and I'm glad to see that this is what is happening here.
The marshals' job isn't to prevent contraband items from getting through security.
In other words, if a person successfully gets a bomb onto a plane, and blows it up on the ground, no reasonable person will blame the marshals.
Not on the point of airport security, but the public doesn't tend to second guess all friendly fire or mistaken ID, or other incidents where a person who meant no harm was killed by law enforcement. It happens, it will always happen. Rarely is the error egregious to the degree that the government has culpability, e.g., Randy Weaver. Even the Branch Davidian incident in Waco is officially justified.
The short answer is that if you don't want to die at the hands of law enforcement, then submit to orders. To do otherwise is escalation and carries a risk of deadly force.