To: agsloss
If the differences in the populations are this dramatic, then why doesn't Dr. Eisenstein do a statistically valid study, instead of citing anecdotal information?
If he's a doctor, surely he knows what constitutes the necessary scientific proof to make action possible.
11 posted on
12/08/2005 6:31:57 PM PST by
To: LouD
If the differences in the populations are this dramatic, then why doesn't Dr. Eisenstein do a statistically valid study, instead of citing anecdotal information? Maybe he did, didn't get the answer he wanted, went to the press.
23 posted on
12/08/2005 6:56:54 PM PST by
Doctor Stochastic
(Vegetabilisch = chaotisch ist der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
To: LouD
Doctors are not scientists. A few hundred years ago they were barbers. They established a guild, started speaking in tongues, and now control legislatures.
29 posted on
12/08/2005 7:05:09 PM PST by
("Others have died for my freedom, now this is my mark" Cpl. Jeffrey B. Starr")
To: LouD
In many places, skipping vaccinations (or giving placebos) is forbidden by law. That's a fairly derious problem for conducting a study.
85 posted on
12/09/2005 6:07:45 AM PST by
(Howard Dean; Stupid and Mean.)
To: LouD
then why doesn't Dr. Eisenstein do a statistically valid studyPerhaps because he is no Einstein.... sorry. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson