If the best we as a country can do is put up Hillary and McCain, then perhaps it doesn't deserve to endure.
What you miss in your analysis is that all of the Dem constituencies want something from government so any one from any issue that rises to be their standard bearer is not necessarily opposed to any other cause -- because their causes don't conflict with each other.
For the most part, we on the right merely want to be left alone. We don't ask the government for anything. The problem that we do face is that the GOP tries to be pro life and pro abortion, limited government and big compassionate government -- and along with that are the big spending that comes with said compassion. Our interests do conflict and that is why we cannot command consistent control -- half are pissed at the other half all the time.
My prescription is to take a stand. Quit trying to win the so called middle by being all things to all people. The GOP should stand firm for the conservative / libertarian core principles that made this country great -- low taxes, small government, with individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Run as conservatives and govern as such and we'll bring new voters to the party in droves. Some may be from the middle, but most will be the disaffected, self imposed exiled voters who can't and won't be party to the perfidy that currently exists within the GOP.
Only when we stand for something concrete rather than for anything that will garner some new votes, will we take back control of our government and get back on the road to greatness. Accepting the lesser of two evils will not get it done.