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To: Fawn
I believe there is another reason why he wants Amnesty for these lawbreakers....wish I could figure out his real angle.

Many people have a hard time seeing 'the angle' because it is very difficult to imagine a politician committed to following the law, removing corruption, and improving the United States of America and keeping it the Leader in Equality, Freedom, and Free Trade.

They know that Rules don't mean anything, only power and wealth.

They know that the politicians they support are guilty of every sin imaginable.

They themselves rationalize every lie they tell, and see the end goal as wealth and power that allows one to ignore the law.

They can't imagine anyone resolving their issues any other way.

I will tell you his angle.

He wants to put terrorists where they will never harm anyone again.

He wants ALL MEN who would stand up and work for the food on their family table, rather than take handouts from the government kitty, to have that ability. Instead of being in jail or dead attempting to escape poverty and corruption, while their children are then abandoned to the streets and used to perpetuate the corruption and filth.

This nation became GREAT by taking in the GREATNESS of MANKIND.

Our FOUNDING FATHERS were FRENCH, or RUSSIAN, or INDIAN, or IRISH, or BRITISH, or DANISH, or AFRICAN, or..... So were those who flock to these shores for the promise of a chance to OPENLY COMPETE FOR THE BEST OF LIFE.


They show their ignorance. They show less involvement in gaining the actual truth than those illegals they want to keep out.

It is a fact that we have quite a cross-border employment contingent.

Many Americans have business in Canada. Many Canadians have business in America.

If you CLOSE the borders, you have a serious financial collapse from various sectors of the involved countries.

But, no one seems to have a problem with Canadians taking the high paying executive jobs in the northern US. Just the $2.00/hour jobs along the TEXICANO wasteland.

The men that come across the border and work for contractors (against the law, only because the contractor WHO USUALLY IS AMERICAN, saves money by paying under the table) have to get to the hiring depot and take their chances. They are very orderly and behaved about the process, and show much more civility than AMERICAN women at KMART on the day after THANKSGIVING.

They have the same goals as you and I.

They want to feed their families, and they want to be free some day.

Many Americans had ancestors, long ago, or even recently, who had and pursued those same goals.

President Bush has an angle.

He is President. He want the moral, the legal, the Christian, the AMERICAN thing to be done when it comes to border crossers. Those with harmful intent will face justice.

Those trying to provide will be recognized and given the chance.

If you 'closed' the borders, you might keep all 'illegal or undocumented" migrants out.

You might keep all those trying to live in the USA without naturalization out.

They would give up eventually, but the terrorists would not.


What you don't know is that we have a 99.9% success ration SO FAR on keeping bad guys out , or their supplies out, since 9/11.

Were the actual arrests, and materials captured from those who tried made known, you would be shocked at the AMOUNT.

President Bush made a deal to not pursue some of the DEM ISSUES in trade for getting the CIA back under control. It was renamed in his honor and he picked a new head to start routing the corruption. It is not done, there are still snakes in the woodpile. Very dangerous snakes with LICENSES TO KILL/NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

President Bush is routing corruption in government at all levels, by setting an example of conviction and insistence on following the law and the rules of this great nation.

Is he a hero? NO.

He is just a man who believed what he was taught about God, the law, about civility, about chivalry and courtesy, about refusing to back down from principal and protection of the innocent.

He is a man who refuses to trash his conscious and soul for the golden ring.

It is what used to be called, "JUST DOING YOUR JOB RIGHT."

It is little wonder so few understand and accept how and what he is doing.

549 posted on 11/29/2005 1:54:41 PM PST by UCANSEE2
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To: UCANSEE2; Fawn; Borax Queen; Czar
He is a man who refuses to trash his conscious and soul for the golden ring. It is what used to be called, "JUST DOING YOUR JOB RIGHT." It is little wonder so few understand and accept how and what he is doing.

oh puhleeze spare me; the President has violated his oath to the Constitution where he swore to protect American citizens. The Constitution makes clear this would be both foreign and domestic.....and we have been invaded by illegal aliens.

551 posted on 11/29/2005 2:03:26 PM PST by nicmarlo
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"Free Trade" as practiced by the white house, is global socialism.

556 posted on 11/29/2005 2:23:47 PM PST by hedgetrimmer
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President Bush is routing corruption in government at all levels, by setting an example of conviction and insistence on following the law and the rules of this great nation.

Did you forget to include an /sarcasm tag or something?

President Bush has been absolutely MIA in his Constitutional duty to protect us from invasion. On his watch, at least 3 million illegals invaded our borders. That is more than 10 times as many troops as we sent to Iraq. Protecting the borders is one of the duties specifically enumerated by the Constitution for the Federal Government and enforcement falls to the Commander in Chief. He is failing miserably!

President push has been completely derelict in his responsibility to enforce our immigration laws. The Constitution does not give the President the right to pick and choose which laws to enforce. He is the Chief Law Enforcement officer and he has a duty to enforce them all. Yet every year of his Administration, enforcement of our laws against employing illegal immigration has fallen further. Lat year it was all but nonexistent.

You could have posted on just about any other topic and I might have agreed with you about President Bush but on immigration he is AWOL and to spout off about his insistence on following the law is laughably absurd.

President Bush loves to talk about "jobs Americans won't do". If there is one job in the United States that apparently no American is willing to do it is President of the United States. Lots of politicians want the title but none of them, including GWB, want to actually live up to the Constitutional duties and responsibilities.

578 posted on 11/29/2005 2:57:52 PM PST by jackbenimble (Import the third world, become the third world)
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This nation became GREAT by taking in the GREATNESS of MANKIND.

Our FOUNDING FATHERS were FRENCH, or RUSSIAN, or INDIAN, or IRISH, or BRITISH, or DANISH, or AFRICAN, or..... So were those who flock to these shores for the promise of a chance to OPENLY COMPETE FOR THE BEST OF LIFE.

As long as foreigners who "flock to these shores for the promise of a chance to OPENLY COMPETE FOR THE BEST OF LIFE" come here legally, I have absolutely no problem with that. But I do have a problem with foreigners who violate our immigration laws by coming to the United States illegally or by staying after their visas have expired.

If you CLOSE the borders, you have a serious financial collapse from various sectors of the involved countries.

When people talk of closing the borders, they're talking about closing the borders to illegal immigration and terrorism. They're not talking about closing the borders to commerce or to people legally crossing back and force.

The men that come across the border and work for contractors (against the law, only because the contractor WHO USUALLY IS AMERICAN, saves money by paying under the table) have to get to the hiring depot and take their chances. They are very orderly and behaved about the process, and show much more civility than AMERICAN women at KMART on the day after THANKSGIVING.

You're dead wrong about this. I have read numerous accounts of "day laborers" harassing women who walk by, of urinating in public, of littering, and of swarming around any vehicle that pulls into the parking lot of the stores that the "day laborers" are standing in front of and frightening the people in the vehicles who are there solely to patronize the stores.

They have the same goals as you and I.

They want to feed their families, and they want to be free some day.

Many Americans had ancestors, long ago, or even recently, who had and pursued those same goals.

Good. Then they can do what my ancestors did by applying from within their home countries to legally immigrate to the United States. There are millions of foreigners around the world right now who have already filed their paperwork and are now patiently waiting for their turn to legally come here.


The vast majority of Americans want to keep out terrorists and illegal aliens.

592 posted on 11/29/2005 3:31:28 PM PST by judgeandjury
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He is just a man who believed what he was taught about God, the law, about civility, about chivalry and courtesy, about refusing to back down from principal and protection of the innocent.

Okay, let's take these in order.

Let's start at the most important one for most of us here at Free Republic. GOD. Reagan used the bully pulpit to push for religious liberty. Constantly, and effectively. GWB FINALLY, after dithering for five years, on his trip to China mentions the issue. An aide hands a list of prisoners of conscience we want released to the Chinese. And absolutely SQUAT happens.

Reagan wouldn't have even GONE to China, unless the list was pre-delivered and he saw results. That is how he did it with the Soviets. No releases. No conference. Reagan always went over the head of the MSM media filter, to use the National Prayer Breakfasts to make really important foreign policy speeches. GWB hasn't done ONE there. He is a joke with regard to his purported faith. He is doing a really good job of doing his alms in secret. But he is spending OUR money very much in public. And trying to take credit for it just like the liberals. If Reagan had witnessed the Blow-Off that Chi-Comms are doing, arresting home churches willy-nilly, persecuting to death many, I frankly think there would have NEVER been a grant of MFN to China on his watch, and there would even now be a massive U.S.-orchestrated effort to "take 'em out". Reagan had the guts to tell the Soviets "Nyet." to their demands. GWB simply ran away with his tail between his legs. He is letting Beijing have virtually every thing they demand. Continued MFN. Free reign to steal our intellectual property. And even the "Three No's" on Taiwan. Continued 100,000 Chi-Comm spies on our shores.

As for the LAW. GWB should know under the oathe of office, that no man is supposed to be above the law. We are expressly a nation of laws, not of men. Instead he has gone way out of his way to abet covering up the criminal conduct, and arrogance of power, of his predecessor. From John Huang, to Sandy the Hamburglar (with stuffed socks) to Able Danger. No prosecution of Hitlery for her campaign violations, or theft of the White House silverware.

All to the effect that the Presidents are above the law. I've got news for GWB and Cheney. No amount of sucking up to Xlinton will help restore respect for law, but it will do precisely the opposite. Nor will it guarantee that the democrats won't come after you when Madam Hitlery is in power after you. There is no honor among these particular thieves.

About Civility, chivalry courtesy. Is that what you call GWB's consciously DISREGARDING our own LAWS, and sovereignty?

About "refusing to back down from principal and protecting the innocent." The principals he is espousing trash the innocent American. He DEFAMES (LIES) about the Minutemen. So much for civility and courtesy. What else does he cavalierly lie about? So there is no virtue in his not backing down from such principles. The duplicitous deals with Fox. And implementing the CFR globalist agendas, step by step, against our nation. Sovereignty is the ultimate protection for the innocent. Its destruction, debases the Constitution, and renders it impotent.

You have swallowed the hogwash from the BushBots whole...and you should have known better...

GWB is in fact doing some good things, trying to reign in the CIA, but he didn't do this until his administration was "stung" by a CIA operation to entangle him in "WMD-Gate"...Joe Wilson, Valerie Pflame, and the 16 words. Whose bright idea was it to disavow those 16 words right away....George Tenet (Xlinton-appointed holdover) who "apologized" for them....when they were RIGHT?!

His failures to clean house have cost him dearly. Note the CONTINUED complete failure to clean house at the State Dept.

Finally, I note that you continue to mislead yourself, when you confuse closing a dangerously porous border, from illegal entry, with your RED HERRING issue of a complete shutoff in immigration...or of commerce. That is so "out there" I don't think it needs any further commentary, as it self-evidently a falsehood by you.

599 posted on 11/29/2005 3:45:31 PM PST by Paul Ross ("The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the govt and I'm here to help)
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To: UCANSEE2; Paul Ross; Spiff
The men that come across the border and work for contractors (against the law, only because the contractor WHO USUALLY IS AMERICAN, saves money by paying under the table) have to get to the hiring depot and take their chances.

Your ignorance is appalling.

The vast majority of illegal aliens in this country do not work under the table. Rather they get taxed and have insurance paid on them. Because they have authentic looking yet fake documentation, they are ostensibly free to engage in work for an employer, but have no claim to the taxes levied against them.

The Federal and State Governments love 'legal' looking 'illegal aliens'. Its pure money in their trusts and coffers.

Wake up and smell the roses...they smell like crap.

I speak from years and years of experience in the field of construction. I know exactly how the system works.

1)The government makes it illegal to hire illegals yet does nothing about it.

2)The illegals provide their employers with excellent forged documents, and the government has no mechanism to check the authenticity of those documents.

3)The worker works, the employer pays.

4)When it comes time for the employee to file his tax returns he either a) doesn't or b)does in hopes his fake ID will slip through the cracks.

The former is far more prevalent than the latter. The employee does not file, the corrupt government system only x-checks the ssn with the name if and only if the claimant has filed, the government pockets all the cash, the employee gets to keep his job, and finally the employer keeps paying into the corrupt and broken system, and in effect is party to a crime where all the participants are guilty.P> You haven't foggiest notion of what is going on with illegal immigration and political power and corrupt bureaucratic systems in this regard.


It will never be fixed by people who benefity from its broken state...and further ignorance will only exacerbate it.

607 posted on 11/29/2005 4:09:03 PM PST by antaresequity (PUSH 1 FOR ENGLISH, PUSH 2 TO BE DEPORTED)
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