Savage has been all over Able Danger (highlighting Weldon on his show on several occasions). Where is Bush and their cheerleaders on this important issue?
Yeah, he is a kook, but I'll give him props for this issue.
Not giving a one minute slobbering kiss of a speech on the House floor to John Murtha as Weldon did.
I have heard Rush and Hannity cover Able Danger - and probably bring a lot more attention to it than Savage - very thoroughly. Rush was the madest I have ever heard him, when this story first broke. He interview Weldon and spent a lot of time on it. That was before I heard it on Savage. That doesn't mean he was first. I rarely listen to Savage, anymore. He does some things well, but I can't listen to him too long. Maybe, I have too much College education and can pick out a blow hard when I hear him.