Tell that to people with severe glaucoma (among other nasty and painful diseases). If some one has a terrible diseases and it helps them have a better quality of life, I'm not going to stand in their way.>>>
But MJ doesn't help a glaucoma victim's quality of life, it only helps the quality of life of the scum that sells it, by giving him a mansion to live in.
I'm a Californian, a Republican and I voted to legalize MJ for people who's doctor says it provides relief.>>
Well, you are good to be a Republican, good to be a Californian, and ... er ... misguided to vote to legalize MJ. You didn't vote to help sick people; you voted (whether you knew it or not) to make drug thugs rich and teenagers into burnouts.
I also don't appreciate the Fed stepping in and trampling states rights and the will of the state's voters.>>
If your state flies the US flag, it follows the flag's laws. End of story.
That's just a plain stupid argument.
What part of growing their own don't you understand?
And if its legal there's not large sums of money to be made by growing it. No gangs or organized criminals. There's nothing in it for them. It isn't black market demanding a premium.
Alcohol has killed FAR more people. So I assume you want to bring back prohibition again... Bringing organized crime with it...
ROTFL! You know nothing of the laws of supply and demand. Guess you've never heard of Al Capone.