His office phone: 202-225-2065.
He says he has had 4 to 1 in support of his speech yesterday.
I don't believe a word of it. If so, they are screening his calls. I bet it is 4 to 1 the other way.
He is a new nauseation now. And, HE IS A TRAITOR.
DU had people calling his office all day and night. So did move-on.
I have to agree 100%. It only makes it worse that he would turn around and do to the troops what was done to him in Vietnam.
The office phone is not longer picking up messages. Do you have a fax number?
Benedict Arnold was a war hero and less of a traitor than Murtha.
"I don't believe a word of it. If so, they are screening his calls. I bet it is 4 to 1 the other way."
My thoughts as well. Thanks for the phone number.