As Americans devastated by another child abducted raped and killed, we need to understand the culture that permits these atrocities.
Carly Brucia was taken off the streets.
Polly Klass' killer entered her home. Police had appreheneded him after the killing, but had to let him go so as not to abrogate his "civil rights."
Shasta Groneys abductor (and the killer of her brother and mother) was so arrogant and sure of himself, he brought Shasta to public places, restaurants and stores, figuring he had lax laws on his side.
Several facts seem clear:
(1) We are a culture saturated with political correctness. Schools inculcate children with PC, insisting they cannot criticize or disparage any kind of deviant behavior.
(2) American children day after day are totally sexualized through the schools, through the media, by Hollywood films, TV, and music.
(3) We are a culture permeated with an anything-goes moral relativity that is antagonistic to traditional morality to the point of litigation by the ACLU to silence those with moral views.
What should be done?
(a) Parents must find out what schools are teaching their children. So-called K-12 school Family Life programs are little else but sexualization methodologies, uncritical of deviant behavior, brainwashing children into every kind of sexual aberration. Most of these programs are sponsored by Planned Parenthood International, a global organization underwritten with our tax dollars that considers sexual deviation to be acceptable.
(b) Closely allied with Planned Parenthood is the North American Man Boy Lovers Association (NAMBLA---- a leading pedophile group), that actively lobbies for the removal of laws against having sex with children. Pedophilia is the predominant sexual choice of homosexuals, at the same time, we, as a nation, give homosexuals special rights the rest of us don't have.
(c) The tyranny of political correctness must be eliminated, when to even hint at criticism against aberrant behavior is considered a hate crime.
Clearly, child abductions, rapes and and killings by pedophiles are aided and abetted by a culture-at-sea, loosened from its moral bulwark.
..and from statements made..(though brief) and her demeanor, I think Carlie's mom will use this opportunity to tighten the laws on the books, and perhaps help create new laws.
She was articulate and nuanced....we might see reform from this.