"Tax cuts don't work!"
So that's an average drop of .3% over two months. That doesn't really say anything about tax cuts one way or another.
The problem with the tax cuts is that we did not cut spending. If you have a bloated government and cut taxes without cutting spending you just get a bloated government deeper in debt.
I'm for cutting spending, but the tax cuts stimulated the economy and have generated increase tax revenues.
Half the work is done.
Wrong answer...
Tax cuts have RAISED tax revenues.
The fact that politicians have continued to increase spending may mask that cause-and-effect relationship -- but does not negate it.
Without the tax cuts, the deficit would be much larger.
Indeed. If the government wasn't taxing and spending like a drunken bureaucrat, why couldn't things be better, with even larger sustainable growth, improvements in all sectors of the economy, fewer downturns? Never mind that though. Any budget crises that come up will be blamed on whoever is unlucky enough to be in power.