I buy your statement. So what this has accomplished in part is that there may some detainees that may rot in Gitmo without ever being brought to trial before a military tribune. OK. Perhaps the gig is not over. I was afraid that somehow either civilian lawyers would get in on the action, which means ACLU goons go nuts, or somehow a detainee would by some fluke end up being able to seek a DC Circuit Court of Appeals hearing. Obviously my fears where unwarranted. Since those two issues would never come up.
no, its OK to have fears. given the current makeup of the SCOTUS - I fear alot of things! But I don't think they have the stones, at least while Bush is president, to order these prisoners brought into the US (or a district court setup at Gitmo) to give them full US criminal trials. I am usually not an optimist, but I don't think the 5 solid votes they have on the SCOTUS will push it this far.