In all honesty, this speech should have been given a year ago. He's let the lies continue for so long that they've percolated into the American consciousness. Some people will never change their minds now. Morale for the troops has been hurt and hurt badly.
I do NOT understand the reluctance not to take to the airwaves and defend the policies of the administration, the war and condemn the lies on the left. It's a form of insanity, imo.
Look, a year ago this would have been painted as nothing but campaign rhetoric. For goodness sake, now that he has made a good speech, are you going to gripe about the timing? Can't you be happy and relieved that he did what you have been griping about for months? PLEASE try to have some optimism.
" In all honesty, this speech should have been given a year ago. He's let the lies continue for so long that they've percolated into the American consciousness. Some people will never change their minds now. Morale for the troops has been hurt and hurt badly.
I do NOT understand the reluctance not to take to the airwaves and defend the policies of the administration, the war and condemn the lies on the left. It's a form of insanity, imo."
Well said. And this speech had better be just the beginning .
Welcome back, Mr President-we missed you.
Because the MSM will now say he's even weaker because he's been reduced to defending himself from his critics. He can't win either way it seems.
What is needed IMO, is the REPUBLICANS to come out and state over and over and over what the Pres has said. Frist, Hastert, McCain, (maybe that's expecting too much!), Sessions, etc etc.
Agree 100000%
A year ago he was declared victor - by a 3 million+ vote margin - in an election that was essentially about only Iraq. Bush did defend his policies, and he did it pretty well.