Very true. I even remember my son's. Of course, having to write it on an envelope everyday for the time he was in Iraq certainly helped. Don't think I'll ever forget it.
I suspect that a great many people to call in and say they are or were in the miltiary and then rip the miltiary and Bush for the war have never really been in the military. I wish each talk show host when a caller like that calls in, simply asks, what unit were you assigned to? And if they give some pat answer like the 101st Airborne or the 1st Marine Expeditionary, or 3rd Infantry Division, which anyone who has paid attention to the war in Iraq knows were there, then says "no on. I mean what UNIT. What batallian, what company? The specific unit". A REAL soldier or Marine will be able to spout that off JIFFY QUICK. Could also ask them what's your serial number. They know that just like ther know their birthday. If anyone fails to be able to rattle that off with NO pause, or they get angry and spew vulgarities or something, they're NOT military, past, present, or EVER. I wish talk show hosts would start doing that and prove out fake callers. Anyone calling into a show and claiming to be militray is a total SCUM BAG and deserves nothing short of a severe beating that removes them from solid foods for a few weeks. ;|
Exactly. You just remember those things, and yours was your sons and you remember it still. It's not something you don't know. It would put a stop to it for a while anyway until libs started doing research on military units that have served in Iraq and when and starts using them in their calls.