Europeans exterminated (or watched the extrmintaion) their last restless unassimilated minority that produced a few anarchists and bomb throwers, only to invite another one into their midst (out of guilt,mostly, I think) that produces thousands of anarchists and bomb throwers, and now don't know what to do with it. It doesn't look good and the solution is not in sight.
That was the result of their need for labor, not a desire to dilute themselves.
Revolting cat! - "Europeans exterminated (or watched the extrmintaion) their last restless unassimilated minority that produced a few anarchists and bomb throwers, only to invite another one into their midst (out of guilt,mostly, I think) that produces thousands of anarchists and bomb throwers, and now don't know what to do with it. It doesn't look good and the solution is not in sight.
I.e. the Jews?