Now I am really confused. I thought horse felos was already rotted but still must be full of toxins, I suppose. Maybe it causes global warming like Tookie got. Guess Tookie is in deep felos now.
"Tonight is planned, efficient, calculated, antiseptic, cold-blooded murder and I think everyone who is here is here to try to enlist the morality and soul of this country," said Baez, who sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" on a small plywood stage set up just outside the gates.
This is what happened to Terri not the murderer, tookie! There is none so blind as those who refuse to see.
You must also consider its half life when deciding if the deadly radiation has decayed to a safe level. This can be tricky to compute, since the half life depends on how close the horse was to certain court cases. If the horse's greer presided over the case, it could be a long, long time.