To: King Prout
most people in America cannot accurately and distinctly define: evidence, fact, observation, record, repeatable, accurate, precise, experiment, variable, science, know, think, feel, notion, guess, hypothesis, theory, falsification criterion, prediction, predictive value, et cetera ad nauseam. I know the definition of "etc ad nauseum:" literally, it's "and so on till I get ill."
97 posted on
11/03/2005 4:36:17 PM PST by
(From now on, I'll stick to science, and leave the hunting alien mutants to the experts!)
To: Junior
..."etc ad nauseum:"...Perhaps some of this could be cured by sending people ad museum.
112 posted on
11/04/2005 6:54:15 AM PST by
Doctor Stochastic
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