The info I placed in this post might interest you (or might not). In any case, evolution is certainly not the only place where scientific literacy is lacking. Most of it seems to center around ignorance, not fanaticism. We must remember that only the most determined of creationists actually post anything about their opinions. I really don't think most people care, which is a scary thing in and of itself.
Politically, I think the ones that "really believe" are the scariest.
For example, everybody and their brother knew that Bill Clinton would sell his mother for a vote. Everything he did was calculated politically. John Kerry was cut fom the same cloth although trickier to pin down. But the most scary was Al Gore (Thank God we managed to dodge that bullet, barely) - he really believed his blather. He scared(s) the hell out of me.
When people don't know and don't seem to care it's generally because they don't feel threatened (again, politically). If this transfers to Crevo issues, I'm not sure.
Keep in mind, most people don't care about creationists.
They are regarded as the kook fringe.