[[You might have a point there. Miers likely would have gotten on the court and voted like David Souter on most issues.]]
Like I said, assumption, something you nor I will ever know, likely or otherwise, the Miers debate is over
[[But, how in world can any pro-Miers person not acknowledge that Samuel Alito in an infinitely better choice for Supreme Court than Miers would have been? I guess pride wouldn't allow such admissions. But, conservatives are far better off with a known originalist with clear Constitution philosophy on the bench than Miers.]]
You again base your argument on assumption, I have seen no one say the Miers pick was superior to Alito or refuse to acknowledge said assumption. My personal opinion was that Estrada would be the best nomination, even superior to Alito. But I fully support the nomination of Alito.
My whole point is 'Let the Miers nomination go'. Stop pandering to division and start pulling people together, Alito is going to be a tough battle and we need ALL conservatives unified joining in the fight.