This really is an excellent read. I'm going to email this article to a few friends.
I heard from a friend that chickens do pretty well roosting in 5 gallon buckets nailed up in trees with a little nesting material and a board wired across the front high enough to keep the eggs from rolling out. He also said they survive pretty well just on available insects.
The buckets keep them safe from predators as well, at least the four legged variety. Anyway, I think I'm going to buy a few chickens after reading this article. A good cheap self perpetuating food source, and really anyone with a bit of a yard could raise a few.
Another thing that would be good is a green house or just a room set up to grow some fresh veggies. You could grow a lot of food in the size of an average bedroom and year round with some grow lights. Course you need juice to run the lights, which presents a whole bunch of other (expensive) problems in the event of no electricity.
Anyway, lots of food for thought in this article. Good stuff to chew on. ;-)
Yep, he says the first things you gotta deal with are establishing a suppy of water and food.
If you ain't got them, the rest don't matter!
It was an easy way to have chickens and eggs tho. Basically just let them go except to feed them a little and let them eat insects for the rest of their feed.