I find that, generally speaking, "anti-Evo/anti-science" covers them pretty well, since if they have problems with Evolution, the only way to support that position ultimately requires them to deny most other fields of science, like geology, Radiometric dating techniques, cosmology, Chemistry, Thermodynamics, etc. You know how it goes: "in for dime, in for a dollar....".
I'd have to specifically say anti-science is the more fitting term. As we always point out, the biological theory of evolution is definitely not the only theory in science the crowd in question demonizes - that is something we should never forget. As far as YEC's go, their geology is even more abhorrently wrong than their biology. Let's not forget the twisting of nuclear physics (radiometric dating), astronomy (stellar evolution, cosmology), biochemistry, and the complete perversion of sound physics principles like the laws of thermodynamics and the observed constancy of the speed of light. Even mathematics isn't immune, given the blatant abuse of statistics employed by Behe and others of his ilk. The list goes on and permeates almost every branch of scientific knowledge.
I think anti-science is an accurate term.