[[Word is that the front runner is McConnell.]]
Whomever is putting out that word is not tuned in, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I like McConnell, but smart money says it will be a woman or a Hispanic. And, no, that Hispanic will not be Gonzalez. I am leaning towards a Hispanic, he has insinuated in the past that he wanted as part of his legacy to be the one who put the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court. I like Garza, but I think Estrada is the best choice he could make with an eye on the big picture of the battle that looms ahead. The democrats past filibuster and the judicial memos on Estrada give us more ammunition to fight democrats with, as well as his feel good story providing great PR. The question being whether Bush can convince Estrada to accept and go through the process again. I think it can be done if he assures Estrada that he believes in him and he will fight hard for him.
Estrada would be great, but I don't think that he would put his family through another estradification.
Do you recall that the charge was made that Miguel Estrada said only what his white masters told him? That is pretty foul to have to listen to without the benefit of support from Republicans.