"Well, I base that comment on the recently elected President of Iraq..."
Unfortunately, politicians aren't always the best source of military intelligence. If you check out the link you might find some additional sources to base your opinion on. It's important to know our enemy. The bulk of the Iraqi army disappeared into the population shortly after the invasion and I have to wonder what they're doing now.
And when you consider there have always been over 160,000 coaition combatants in Iraq since the start of the war, and plenty of AH-64s, and F-15s and F-16s, and at least one carrier air group at all times, that's a lot of firepower. The 3550 per month killed average in the past 31 months, breaks down to about 118 per day. Just the other day, there were over 50 insurgents confirmed killed in one F-15 strike. It was on the radio news even. When you consider all the Air Force and Army air power, and the Army and Marine boots on the ground, I think that 118 or more average per day is very realistic. The terrorists are untrained, unintelligent, brutish people with NO understanding of modern combat tactics and 1930s technology at best. Our guys have the best tech money can buy, and they know how to use it, and are very good at gurilla tactics now. I think that makes a big difference.