I just find it absolutely amazing that Screamin' Howie has the nerve to mention corruption when the party he represents has the biggest list of crooks ever seen in the history of politics anywhere in the world.
God help us all if that collection of traitors, The Clinton's, J f'n Kerry, and drunken Ted Kennedy ever gain power. We won't have a country left if that happens. We will have to have a civil war if we want to keep America American.
And that Pelosi comes out in front of the cameras and does her Fire Marshal Bill imitation screeching about 'culture of corruption.' The whole last Democratic administration was the very definition of a 'culture of corruption,' and they want that back in the worst way. And the Marxist media will help them cover it up and lie to the gullible masses through it all.
We, the American people, will be sold completely down the river if that happens.