"What that tells us is that, in all too many cases, it's not ignorance at all. At best, it's willful ignorance, and at worst it's knowingly spreading falsehoods."
Ala Piltdown man, Java man, Nebraska man you mean?
That's one fraud, and two errors, one of which was never taken seriously by the scientific community. All of which were uncovered by... wait for it... scientists.
And all of which are routinely misused by creationists as examples of some sort of bizarre conspiracy.
The fact that errors were made only means that scientists are human. What the examples should show you is that the scientific method works. Sometimes it works more slowly than it should (Piltdown Man), sometimes it works right away (Nebraska Man). But it works.
Science corrects its errors, creationists keep spreading theirs around. That's what I mean by "knowingly spreading falsehoods."
Haeckel's embryionic drawings were used for many years after they were found to be flawed.
Or the moths that were glued to the trees?
I object to the notion that noble scientists haven't spread falsehoods.
Can you provide a few piltdown/java/nebraska/haeckle type examples that Christians keep "spreading around" falsely creating "proof" of a creator?