Just another result of lazy parenting - in both school and church.
The church angle really bothers me, because not only does it showcase a lack of parental discipline, but a severe lack of reverence for the Lord and His house on His day.
A by-product of seeker-sensitivity and lazy liberal theology.
I quickly thought afterwords: "Jesus said to them, "Yes; and have you never read the text, 'Out of the mouths of infants and nurslings you have brought forth praise'?" - Matthew 21:16
My church is casual. My husband wouldn't go to church when he had to dress up. He'll go to our current church because you don't have to dress up.
I still dress up, and I dress up our kids because that is the way I was raised.
However, I would much rather someone come to church in shorts, than to have someone not attend church.
I live in California, and it is hard to get people to go to church out here.