Why, nearly two years after the auditor general condemned this practice in the sponsorship scandal, does the government still award contracts with no proper audit paper trail?" he asked
Now that's what I call a rhetorical question! Why, indeed? LOL!
As if every single Canadian doesn't know already.
The Liberal Party is distinguishable from a criminal conspiracy, and the Liberal Government from a Third World kleptocracy, only by the patina of legitimacy provided by the Official Lies of the Canadian Establishment Media.
Once one strips away the self-regarding Canadian moral superiority narrative, there is nothing left but the squalid wrangling of rats over cheese.
You know my solution - horse-whippings through the streets, and Heads On Pikes!
Socialists are always criminals. They believe in the confiscation of property that is not theirs, ergo, they're thieves at least, if not deviants like Clinton.
Regards, Ivan
Once one strips away the self-regarding Canadian moral superiority narrative, there is nothing left but the squalid wrangling of rats over cheese.......
That's true, very quotable!