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To: jveritas
No, you did not say that. This is what you said.

I guarantee for you that Rush was contacted by the White House so many times in the last two weeks and that is why he has been "soft" back paddling on his original and vocal opposition to Miers. Expect Hannity and other to follows suite.

There is NO back peddling occuring here. Vocal opposition remains coherant, strong, and principled. Transcript from the 13th.


RUSH: Bloomington, Illinois, this is Trudy. Welcome, Trudy, and congratulations on the White Sox (Laughing.) last night.

CALLER: Oh, thank you. Actually, I'm a Cubs fan and we just can't cross over.

RUSH: Yeah, well Illinois you take the White Sox. I mean, last time they were in the World Series, they threw it. So I know it's a tough cross to bear, but Illinois hasn't had a -- it's a good thing.

CALLER: That goes to my point of being faithful, loyal, true, even to conservative issues, Rush.

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: And for a long time I said feminists don't speak for me, and now I'm beginning to think a lot of the conservatives don't speak for me. And I've been listening to Kristol; I've been listening to others from National Review, Weekly Standard. And, you know, there's some of us that are conservatives mainly because of our religious views, who pounded yard signs, working precincts, walked them for candidates, et cetera, and we voted for George Bush, and we didn't vote for these other people, and I am more confident today after listening to Dobson's show today, after hearing Ken Starr on that show, that Bush indeed has probably nominated somebody I am going to be confident in and glad that she's on the bench.

RUSH: Okay. And you feel alienated from -- do you include me in that list of people?

CALLER: I'm beginning to think so.

RUSH: Why? Why? Is it because I'm not full-fledged on board for this?

CALLER: Well, in the last week, I've been listening to these tirades about this nomination.

RUSH: Wait a minute. You haven't heard any tirades from me. You've heard reasoned explanations.

CALLER: (Laughing.) Well, we never recognize our own tirades.

RUSH: Oh, ho-ho-ho! Oh, ho-ho! So have I sounded like I'm on tirades about this?

CALLER: Well, and, you know, it's probably coming from the perspective I'm at. You know, I'm confident in my president.

RUSH: Okay, I need to ask you a point-blank question because this is fundamental and key if you are to be able to understand where I come from on this.


RUSH: I could lead you with this question or I could ask you without-- I'll ask you without leading you first.

CALLER: Oh, that would be good.

RUSH: Pardon?

CALLER: I said that would be good.

RUSH: Okay, what is it about Harriet Miers and her nomination, what is it really, what is the real reason that are supportive of this nomination?

CALLER: When the president first announced her with her at his side, I felt he sent out signals at the time. And included in those signals were some things that she was involved in. She was involved in some conservative issues that are where my heart is, and maybe a lot of conservatives that are fiscal conservatives didn't recognize those. I felt he said them for a reason. I think he told us she was involved in Exodus Ministries for a reason.

RUSH: All right, can I try to nail this down a little?


RUSH: You are supportive because you think that she is pro-life and is going to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

CALLER: Yes, and other moral fundamental issues.

RUSH: Other moral fundamental issues. Okay.

CALLER: And Ken Starr, he said a lot of great things about her today on Dobson.

RUSH: Well, I've not said anything bad about her. I think this is where the -- I'm opposed to the nomination, but I've made it plain that I have no animus against her, I have no brief against -- she may be a fine, fine person.

CALLER: I guess I'm beginning to feel with conservatives, though, the schism that's developing this week, that there are those of us that often are used by others -- maybe they feel the same way -- but I do feel that often we're used to do the legwork, the free manning of phone banks, for instance, pounding those yard signs and getting out the vote for these candidates, and we want to see these issues addressed. That's why we've been doing this legwork all these years.

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: But I'm also hearing this weekend talking points that conservatives -- where have they gotten these talking points? Here's one: "The deep conservative bench." Now, that's not a talking point your average person like me, I'm a housewife, that's not something that's in my vocabulary, but suddenly I'm hearing on all these conservative shows. Where do they get this?

RUSH: Well, I'll be glad to explain this to you. I don't have enough time before the next commercial break is coming up, but I think they're getting that from me. I think they get a lot of what they get from me, and the deep conservative bench is all of the conservatives that we know, we already know how they rule as appellate judges. The conservative bench is those conservatives who have passed muster prior to today, who have ruled on cases, who have a judicial philosophy that we can know because they're on the appellate court in some circuit. That's the bench. Also some people that have not maybe made it to the appellate court, they're district court judges and others. But hang on here a minute, Trudy, because I'm going to take advantage of your call here to perhaps address a whole lot of people who have your mind-set about it.


RUSH: We're back to Trudy in Bloomington, Illinois. Trudy, are you there?


RUSH: Okay, good. I'm going to spend as much time on this as I have to because I want you to go away from here at least understanding where I'm coming from. I don't speak for any of these other people. I'm not echoing them. I don't choose sides. What's in my heart and what's in my mind is what you hear on this program.

CALLER: Well, can we go to what you just said about the deep bench?

RUSH: What?

CALLER: Remember what I asked before the break about --

RUSH: About the deep bench.

CALLER: Deep bench. But didn't Scalia address that this week in that interview with NBC, that he said that it was good for the court to reach outside that pool of judges?

RUSH: Yeah. Okay, look. I'm not going to try to persuade you or change your mind. That's not what I'm trying to do here. And you're not going to change mind on this. But I want you to understand -- because I know exactly where you're coming from on this. I understand it totally. But I want to try to tell you why I am not on the same page with you on this.

CALLER: Great.

RUSH: One of the things that you said was that you feel used or left out by conservatism, and I don't know how that can be. Conservatism is not a party. Conservatism is an ideology, set of principles, and you either agree with them or you don't, but conservatism is not something that can use you. Now, the Republican Party can use you. But a conservative movement really so much can't. The conservative movement here is not betraying anybody. The conservative movement did not make this choice. So that's one thing. But I just want to make it very simple. The reason why I think you support this and the reason why I think we could do better -- and, by the way -- well, let me just keep things in order. I know that the powerful motivating factor for many, for millions of Americans, is Roe vs. Wade and abortion. And the president has made it clear and has Dr. Dobson made it clear and many of the other supporters -- and, by the way, Ken Starr vetted Sandra Day O'Connor, too. Ken Starr said that Sandra Day O'Connor was cool. Ronald Reagan thought she was the best. And she turned out not to be what everybody told us that she was. I mean I can give you countless examples of this. And in fact I'd like to read to you a quote from a speech that someone gave about 20 years ago. And I want to ask you if you know who made this statement. "Back in 1976, Mr. Carter said, 'Trust me,' and a lot of people did. Trust-me government asks that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on one man, that we trust him to do what's best for us. My view of government places trust not in one person, or one party, but in those values that transcend persons and parties. The trust is where it belongs, in the people, the responsibility to live up to that trust is where it belongs, in their leaders." Do you know who said that?

CALLER: Well, I'm just going to guess. It may perhaps have even been James Dobson. p> RUSH: Uh, no. That was Ronald Reagan accepting the Republican Party nomination for president, July 17th of 1980. So now that you know who said it, let me read it to you again. "Back in 1976 Mr. Carter said, 'Trust me,' and a lot of people did. Trust-me government asked that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on one man, that we trust him to do what's best for us. My view of government places trust not in one person or one party, but in those values that transcend persons and parties. The trust is where it belongs, in the people. The responsibility to live up to that trust is where it belongs, in their elected leaders." Now, Reagan happens to be my hero. So I wanted to mention that to you. Let's go to Roe vs. Wade because I know that's where a majority of people who are for this nomination are for it, and I understand it a hundred percent. I understand it totally, particularly with the way Harriet Miers has been presented. She's been presented as an evangelical, she's been presented as someone deeply religious, who's born again, who found Christ at a later stage of her life, has that bond of familiarity and commonality with President Bush. And this is viewed as the president keeping a promise. And it's very heartwarming and it's very encouraging and enthusiastic to people who hold this view. Like you, I am anti-abortion and pro-life. And, like you, I am anti-Roe vs. Wade. But here is where I think there might be some parting of the ways of what we look for in a Supreme Court justice. See, you're looking for a vote, and you are also saying -- correct me if I'm wrong about any of this because I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, I'm just based on what you told me before the break. You told me that you believe the morality and ideals of a conservative will lead to the proper adjudication of cases by a justice on the Supreme Court. Correct?

CALLER: Hopefully, yes.

RUSH: Yeah, okay, hopefully yes. And I understand that, too. And I understand it largely because many in the conservative movement, conservative voters have been told that that's the case, that you can trust a conservative. And in an equal playing field and all things being equal, you can. But we've sent many people that we thought were conservatives to the Supreme Court, who all of a sudden, over the years, change. They "grow," quote, unquote, because they succumb to the Washington culture, the DC liberal culture. They succumb to the free invitations to go make speeches to all kinds of groups, and they get really ego driven at the idea that they're one of nine people that can determine the laws of this country, and so a lot of people that were thought to be conservative when they were nominated turned out not to be. There are ways to avoid that. However, before going into those, my attitude on Roe vs. Wade is this. Yeah, it's wrong, it's a horrible thing that happened to the country, in so many ways, a moral way. It has roiled this country politically. It is a case that should have never been decided at the Supreme Court. It's a case they never should have taken. It is a case that has prevented the issue from being decided by the people of this country democratically and that's why it roils our society so. The people have yet to have a say on this. Now, if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, let's say Harriet Miers is nominated, confirmed, and then the president gets some more judges, and we finally get 5-4 position on the Supreme Court and Roe vs. Wade is overturned, what's going to then happen is that abortion will still be legal. It will be sent back to the states, and as you are sitting here talking to me today I can guarantee you that some states in this country will vote to legalize it. Some states won't. It will be illegal in some states and legal in some others. This will invite further legal scrutiny, but it'll take some years for this to happen.

The primary reason that I, Rush Limbaugh, not any of these other people that you are listening to and are being bothered by, the primary reason that I'm bothered by Roe vs. Wade -- and there are two -- but the first reason is, it is an abomination of the role of the Constitution and the courts in this country, because of the way it was decided. Do you know that there are people out there, Trudy, who think Roe vs. Wade is horrible law who are pro-abortion? There are some Democrats, some liberals who don't like abortion because of their religious beliefs -- or, there are some liberals who do like, they're all for it, but they think Roe vs. Wade is bad law. I think both are wrong. I think it's bad law, and I think it's a horrible thing, abortion is. But the reason it's bad law is not because it sanctions the murder of children alone. The reason it's bad law is because nine men in robes decided that the Constitution says something about abortion. They said that abortion, the killing of unborn children, is constitutional. Well, the Constitution doesn't say that. Way back in 1973, the Constitution does not say that. Yet nine men in black robes said that it did. Well, now, if nine people in black robes, or a majority of them, can look at the Constitution and not see something in it and go ahead and put it there, then the Constitution becomes meaningless.

So the reason for wanting a nominee who goes beyond the morality of Roe vs. Wade and the legality of it, the whole constitutionality of it, is of paramount importance to me because there are going to be all kinds of cases above and beyond and after Roe vs. Wade. Kelo vs New London, Connecticut is one of the most recent outrages. The Supreme Court currently looking to foreign law to find justification for their own personal policy preferences. When Roe vs. Wade was affirmed by the Supreme Court, what essentially happened was that the Supreme Court said, "We nine people can determine what's in that document and what isn't. We can put things in it that aren't there, and we can take things out of it that are there. We have that power." Well, that, Trudy, has got to be stopped. We have to have people on the court who have a respect for the original intent of the Constitution and who will not rise to the level of ego to the point that they think they are more powerful than the document and to bastardize it by finding things in it which aren't there and removing things from it which are. So the second reason I abhor Roe vs. Wade is because it sanctions the murder of innocent children, and they're pretty close, but I cannot, as an individual, looking at one of my first reasons, the unconstitutionality of this, say "okay" to a person, to the court whose constitutional philosophy I don't know anything about. This has nothing to do with disagreeing with the president. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with Harriet Miers. It has nothing to do with sabotaging anything.

It is nothing more than what I have always professed on this program, and that is a deep love and respect and loyalty to the Constitution and an overarching fear that we're about to lose it and we need incredible people on this court who have proven they will not buckle to the Washington pressure, that they will not buckle to conventional wisdom, that they will not buckle to their own egos, and will do what they're supposed to do and that is simply determine what is and is not constitutional. Even that's a bit of a stretch for the court but they assumed that role for themself way back in the Marbury vs. Madison case. So my only point in all of this is that I've always thought that somebody could do better. Now, this criticism of mine is being interpreted by you and others as trying to sabotage the nomination, disagreeing with the president, screwing up an opportunity to overturn Roe vs. Wade. And I understand totally why people think that when they are hear me say this, but I have an 18-year track record here, 17-year track record, and none of what I've said to you today or in the past few weeks about this is inconsistent with any of my views. Just because I may not think Harriet Miers is the best nominee does not mean I've changed my mind on Roe vs. Wade. It's just the opposite. I want some more guarantees than what we're being offered here, and there are none, but I want at least better odds than we're being offered here.

CALLER: Can I ask a question?

RUSH: Yeah, by all means.

CALLER: Will you be happy if her name is not withdrawn?

RUSH: Well, let me take a break here because if I don't take a break now the next segment is going to be real short and people are going to think I've added commercials on them. So hang on. I'll answer the question when we come back.


RUSH: We go back now to Trudy in Bloomington. What was your question again, Trudy?

CALLER: How are you going to feel if her name is not withdrawn?

RUSH: No different than I feel now. I'm not trying to affect anything here. Look it, if I were trying to affect things I'd be on the phone to the White House. This is not what I use this program for. You are the audience. The White House is not the audience. The Senate is not the audience. You are the audience. Everybody listening is the audience. All I'm doing is telling you what I think about it. I've listened to some of the White House criticism of the opponents of the nomination. We're sexist or elitists, and, you know, I'm listening to terms that we generally use to criticize the left, and I've tried to -- okay, suppose I was on the White House staff, and I was being sent out to defend this nomination using these terms, I couldn't do it, because I know the people that they're talking about. The conservatives are not sexist. The women that are on their lists are numerous. Janice Rogers Brown, there's no sexism in this opposition to Harriet Miers. So all I'm doing, all I ever do on this program is attempt to inform you and be honest about what I think, with a little entertainment sprinkled in now and then. But I'm not trying to effect any kind of an outcome here. So if she's nominated -- she doesn't withdraw, the president doesn't withdraw her, we deal with that as it happens, and we go through the hearings and see what we see. All I'm doing here is -- and I'm not trying to sabotage this, either. I don't know that I've got the power to do that, Trudy. I mean, a lot of people might think that I do, but I, frankly, think that that's a little bit overwrought, to think that I'm going to have any say-so what's happening with Harriet Miers.

There are going to be other nominations down the line. This president's going to have perhaps one, and maybe two more. And what I just told you about one of the reasons I oppose Roe vs. Wade, they're going to be lots of cases, and they're going to deal with culture, they're going to deal with our society. Look at this court overturning 16 or 19, I forget what it was, state laws on same-sex sodomy. This court just overturned them on the basis of foreign law. This is because judges are not looking at the Constitution. To overturn the law, these laws, you would have to say the Constitution says something about these laws in the states, and it doesn't. Then you'd have to agree that the Constitution is allowed to trump or the Supreme Court's allowed to trump the Constitution when it comes to state law. There's some real bastardization of the Constitution going on, and it isn't just Roe vs. Wade. And if we don't get people on this court who are willing to honestly read the Constitution when deciding constitutional cases you're going to have Roe after Roe after Roe in terms of decisions. They may not be as personally repugnant and repelling as abortion is, but they're still going to roil the society. As long as this court is considered the final political and social arbiter on what's legal and illegal in this country, we're going to have arguments about our culture, whether it's about abortion or not. And that's not what this court should be doing. It's not the final place where we go to decide political issues. That's the US Congress. That's the House of Representatives and the president either signing or vetoing. The court has usurped so much power. The court has taken upon itself the role of deciding what's legal and illegal, culturally, socially. It's not its role, particularly when they're going to find things in the Constitution which are not there. Ending that goes beyond just voting the right way on Roe vs. Wade. So, look, I can disagree with the president without being disloyal. I'm not disloyal to the president at all. But I disagree on this. It's plain and simple. I can't lie to you about it.

78 posted on 10/16/2005 7:49:38 PM PDT by Soul Seeker
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To: Soul Seeker
Thank you for posting that transcript. I hadn't heard that exchange.

I have read it twice. I agree with Trudy. I guess that's because I am also a housewife who has manned the phones, walked the precincts, and licked the envelopes.

Sorry, but Trudy makes more sense to me, despite Rush's long-winded arguments.

I am waiting for the hearings.

90 posted on 10/16/2005 8:02:20 PM PDT by Miss Marple (Lord, please look after Mozart Lover's son and keep him strong.)
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To: Soul Seeker

Re: Transcript.

Jim Dobson is a moron. A patsy. He is a simpleton who is played for a fool. And the poor naive types like Trudy who listen to him have been basely betrayed. I have had quite enough of Jim Dobson's politics. He needs to go back to counceling famies... he does exceptional work in that area. But when it comes to politics he is a sucker. I am more disgusted in him and Robertson for being had by this than I am at Bush for doing it. I expected Bush to keep the court Left leaning. I had hoped that the so called leaders of the "Christian Right" had got with the game by now, saddly they are still being played for saps.

143 posted on 10/16/2005 9:01:11 PM PDT by Waywardson (Carry on! Nothing equals the splendor!)
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