No doubt there is much need that is very real, but I think that many otherwise compassionate people have been soured by the whining and demanding, by the ridiculous cries of "racism" and the shameless political grandstanding, as well as by the crime and corruption that was revealed under the national spotlight. Nagin and Blanco just look and sound pathetic and have done, and continue to do, a great disservice to the good and decent people of Louisiana.
Blanco did an immoral thing. She is stupid and venal.
The MSM played up minor things,,who really gives a damn what Mary Landrieu, another dumb venal person, wants. The MSM has made things so much worse.
I am personally soured on Blanco and Landrieu, the media and all that. But I am equally soured by the blanket judgements about the people here, the "not my taxes" whine. FR has been as sour a place in the last year as DU in my opinion.