Melanie Morgan from Move America Forward!!!
I have been banned from posting, three times. As far as I can tell, for the following comment.
"Almost everyone in the rest of the world really dislikes Bush. Does that count?"
Not only have I been bounced, but the threads have been pulled AND all my posts removed. How incredibly orwellian, I have been expunged ..... :-)
This is absolutely appalling. Are no alternative views to be heard?
To the fascist moderator who persists in removing my posts, and banning my access. SHAME ON YOU. Clearly you have no idea what the foundations are of the free republic you claim to support.
Given that I'm pretty certain I will be bounced, and given that your normal users should be given the opportunity to realise how malignant is the mind control on this site, I'm going to post this comment in at least 20 threads.
If I'm bounced again, I'll withdraw, it's clear that I'm wasting my time. However, this is deeply, deeply disappointing and hideously un-American. Free republic indeed .... Shame on you.