Blanco blocked aid from the red cross and salvation army and then came out screaming blaming the feds.
Blacks see those pictures and the blacks starving and blame Bush. But in truth it was Blanco who blocked food and water to the people at the convention center. She wanted people out of there and felt food and water would keep them there. So she let them go hungry.
You had a democrat governor in her actions turn a whole race against a national party.
Bush needed to come out screaming telling the american people that it was Blanco that ordered the red cross and salvation army not to come in. The white house communications office is a joke.
Blacks are against the dems on gay marraige. Bush has hired many african americans to his cabinet. Bush has even appointed supreme court justices that will uphold affirmative action. Blacks are more in favor of some business policies with the gop than the dems.
All the work the Gop did to persuade blacks thrown out by a fat ugly democrat governor.
This thread needs your attention.
Blanco, Nagin, Landrieu, and all those Democrat scumbags kept those people in New Orleans as long as they could. They knew if those people left--their voting base--many would never return.
We have been subjected to weeks of non-stop news coverage accusing Bush of being at fault for the disaster in Louisiana. Amazingly, we don't believe it, because we don't believe everything the news media tells us.
So why would be believe the news media when it cites a poll claiming that Louisianans of whatever stripe also believe Bush to be at fault?
First, if it were true, it wouldn't be surprising, since the media have been claiming it to be so non-stop; but secondly, if everything else they say is distorted or flatly false, why would we accept this poll as legitimate?
Again, the people of whatever stripe who really believe that Bush is out to get Louisiana, are Democrats and will likely be until the day they die. They aren't going to vote Republican, and never would have. This may include the people in the 9th Ward, but it also includes most academics. Most of the people who believe Bush blew up the levees are academics. If the poll had separated them out as a group, the percentage would have been 98%.
But how many blacks supported bush BEFORE Katrina?
A lie is halfway around the world before the truth catches up but it does.
The author's name is Dan Froomkin and it would appear he is a backroom hack who, having served as an editor and an arbiter of what's fit to post in the Post for over many years, has been turned loose on Bush in full Woodward slather, nose to the ground, head up his ass, full-attack mode baying to the moon while the smell of fresh blood still lingers in the night air.
His resume proudly features his fine hand at controlling the releases of the senate hearings, commentary and feature stories wafting up out of Foggy Bottom during the so-called impeachment hearing of Herr Klinton.
I don't put a lot of stock in what he says.
But then, who am I?
There are probably still a couple of hundred votes out there, somewhere, that haven't already been paid for twice.