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The American taxpayer speaks (does he ever!) to the Tax Panel.
President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform ( Comments ^ | Oct. 11 & 12, 2005 | various - Comments to Tax Panel

Posted on 10/12/2005 3:44:33 PM PDT by pigdog

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======================== Comment: Please read the Fair Tax book and explain to the public why it won't work. Seems like the best solution to me.


Comment: Please try to realize that all the suggestions for reform you have had merely amount to tinkering with the system, keeping the American people under the thumb of the IRS. The only true tax freedom will be the FAIR TAX HR25. Please put this in the #1 position. It is the best thing for America.


Subject: Keystone cops and tax reform

Comment: Cap health benefits payments and mortgage deductions? That's it? A fine example of the Washington kabuki dance designed from the beginning to protect the corrupt Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees. You are playing with a stacked deck, of course, in the finest traditions of do-nothing but make it sound like a lot Washington panels. Guess what fellows? You are about to issue the best possible rallying cry for getting rid of incumbents. Hope you can trade enough tax breaks for campaign dollars because your friends are going to need them. Reform--hardly. More like a keystone cops exercise which counts on the stupidity of the population. You are in for a well deserved surprise.


Comment: I read today that the national sales tax idea was rejected. I can only say, READ THE FAIR TAX BOOK BEFORE YOU REJECT IT! It is the only way to save social security besides encouraging growth and savings. Tax evasion is already going on, by having someone else collect it, it is more accountable at a retail level. This will simplify the code, produce growth, and less cheating, it's a win-win-win. Don't reject it, please.


Comment: I think the Fair Tax would be a better system for this country. It will eliminate all income tax and payroll taxes and replace it with a progressive national retail tax. No estate & capital gains taxes. No income taxes. No payroll taxes. Repeal the 16 amendment. Revenue neutral. The tax would be levied on the final sale of newly produced goods and services. People would get a rebate check every month for basic life necessities up to the current poverty level. Collect the taxes at the cash register. No federal tax returns needed. No IRS, just a small agency to collect the taxes from retail businesses. To me this is the best system I have seen and needs to be seriously considered. This would help out everybody because weather or not you buy new or used items (which would not be taxed with the Fair Tax)everybody would benefit. Please consider this fairer tax system.


Comment: It's most unfortunatate that are not seriously considering the Fair Tax. The current tax system is broke and can't be fixed.


Comment: Thank you for your service on this crucial undertaking. I stumbled upon this site today and was gratified to see the high level of interest. I was also struck by the intensity and consistency of the outrage expressed for the current tax system. The one theme that came through again and again was the unfair and actually counterproductive manner that the system punishes achievement.

I recently read the Linder/Boortz book on the fair tax proposal (HR25). The book appeared to offer a very promising way of gathering revenue needed to fund government programs, while not discouraging saving, investing, or entrepreneurial spirit. Ihad some questions about the transition to the fair tax system, so I read the text of HR25 and was pleased to see that my concerns were addressed. Although there may be some trepidation among some people to make so drastic a change, I feel certain that it would ultimately be embraced by all as being fairer and much more productive for all Americans.

I urge the panel to give HR25 full and fair consideration. I hope that someday AMT, estate tax, and tens of thousands of pages of tax code will be distant, dreaded memory.


Comment: To whom it may concern-

I am a supporter of the H.R.25 / S.25 Fair Tax proposals. I am very unhappy with the recent panel recommendation against enacting a change to a national retail sales tax. It is clear from the panel's comments and those of Connie Mack, that they have not spent sufficient time to understand the concept of the change and the true positive impact it will have as agreed by most economists. I would appreciate it if the panel would give the proposals due consideration.


Comment: To whom it may concern on the Tax-reform Panel... I am sorely dissapointed in all of you for so quickly and decisively trashing the FairTax Law idea. I see in the news you have cited it as being a plan which will cause "rampant tax evasion". Well I wish one of you could explain to me how tax evasion could possibly happen under the National sales tax plan. Whoever buys anything pays the tax...right? I mean corporations and individuals alike would all be paying their taxes everytime they bought a new product. So would the criminals. The drug dealers, the prostitutes, the under the table employees, the illegal aliens and also anyone visiting this country from abroad would be pouring money into our economic system. You say that evasion would be rampant...please explain this heinous remark to me and this totally irrational decision that you have all made. Thank you for your time.


Subject: What the heck are you people doing?

Comment: I just read the article posted on the NY Times website. Please stop the madness....are you seriously considering all these things? I personally would benefit from a reduction or elimination of the alternative minimum tax but you're really going to cut or eliminate mortgage deductions, deductions for state/local taxes? Please cease and desist before you ruin all your reputations. SHEER LUNACY!


Comment: Tax reform is in the best interest of the American people and the economy, and the best way to do it is through the Fair Tax. It is a BETTER system that the American people want. Don't let the handcuffs of politics let a great opportunity slip by to better the tax system with the Fair Tax and help prevent stagnation of the economy


Comment: I have read your proposals regarding tax reform and they are terrible. If you want to do something about the nation's debt why don't you go after the massive tax cuts that Bush gave the top one percent and large multinational corporations. I will oppose any politician who endorses these "reforms". One last thing, Mr. Breaux I have always suspected that you were a southern republican masquerading as a democrat, this is just more proof.


Comment: I am very disappointed that the panel rejected the Fair Tax proposal. They claim, that it would be to much of a tax burden on the poor. That simply isn't true. Do they understand that is and embedded tax and that the everyone, including the poor would get a monthly rebate? The new report I read dismissed in one short sentence. This is an insult to Americans who want significant tax reform. I would like to hear a national debate about the issue and not just take the word of an apointed panel.


Subject: Bad News

Comment: If you miss this opportunity to install a "national sales tax", it will be to your shame. Try to keep the people in mind when you make your decisions. The poor will always be with us, so you are not helping them nor are you penalizing the rich. You are hurting the very people who pay the taxes and who voted for you once. The middle class needs a break, all people in the US need a break. The IRS is a waste of money and you know that to be so. Reassign the IRS to collecting the national sales tax and get it out of people's personal affairs. If you fail at doing this, it will be a black mark on your public service record and rightfully so. Shame on you if you neglect your duty and don't install a national sales tax and rid us of the IRS.


Comment: As an American, I am very displeased with the way that our elected officials in Washington continue to disregard what the people want. Your job on the tax panel is to find a way to help eleviate the massive tax burden that our government has put on its citizens. We Americans work our tails off everyday to provide a quality of life for our families that we deserve, only to have it STOLEN from us each week by a system which penalizes personal achievment. All of you who sit on that panel probably don't have a care in the world because you have made your money and can afford anything that you recommend to the president, but I think that you have failed to understand that it is the people of this country who want a piece of the so called pie, are the ones that are suffering the most. Any kind of tax on the income of any citizen is basically stealing out of their pockets and giving it to a system that is so loaded with so many rules and regulations that it is impossible to understand. When you think about it, slavery is still alive in America and it never really was abolished. The people who pay income taxes (slaves) work everyday so that the government (master) can take the fruits of our labor by means of coercion. Ask yourself what would happen to us if we didn't pay our taxes. The government seizes your property, seizes your assets, and possibly go to jail. If that isn't coercion then what is? Why is it so hard to understand that the income tax is a legal way for the government to steal from it's citzens. Remember, just because it is legal doesn't make it right. I am requesting that you give the national sales tax another chance. I would applaud the efforts of any individual who says that they want to put all the money that I have earned back into my pocket. I dont think that you realize the potential of this type of taxation, and to dismiss it outright is basically telling me that you are not open minded and are not looking out for the taxpayers, but in the pocket of those on K street. I ask the panel, what is the motivation for the government to continue to break the backs of the citizens by taxing the income that they earn? Would it not be more beneficial to the country if EVERYBODY paid a tax on all items at the retail level, including those who come to our country and use our water, roads, electricity, garbage dumps? Can you even comprehend the amount of money that this would generate, not to mention the jobs it would create, and the investment opportunities it would bring back to our country. The only thing that I see is our country becoming a socialist state where there is a progressive income tax, no private ownership of business or property, a centralized banking system, no inheritance of property. But aren't we all ready on that road?


Comment: i cannot believe that a group of highly educated people, such as yourselves, have not at the very least determined the potential benefits of getting rid of the current tax system which we stifle ourselves and our economy with. there should be no option to continue as we have been. the fair tax seems to me to be the best option, but truthfully, i can't imagine any option being worse than the one we are forced to participate in now. please make this a priority, and make our nation a better place.


Comment: Thank you for once again proving that Washington panels are completely worthless. The Fair Tax would absolutely not hurt the poor. Perhaps you haven't read the details very well. Or perhaps, you just aren't economic scholars. I do not appreciate an unelected body of Washington highbrows making decisions that affect my future and this nation's economy. We will continue to fight for the Fair Tax, because it is just that - fair.


Comment: " * simplify Federal tax laws to reduce the costs and administrative burdens of compliance with such laws; * share the burdens and benefits of the Federal tax structure in an appropriately progressive manner while recognizing the importance of homeownership and charity in American society; and * promote long-run economic growth and job creation, and better encourage work effort, saving, and investment, so as to strengthen the competitiveness of the United States in the global marketplace."

If these are truly are your goals, then the solution is the Fair Tax.


Comment: The panel has obviously misinterpeted the focus of their task. The panel was supposed to investigate alternative tax reform stratagies not to see how the government can raise more taxes. Especially with the success of John Linders book (The Fair Tax) the panel should have recognized the desire of the American people to have a tax over-haul.

Government as usual.


Comment: I would like you to listen to the citizens of this country - the citizens are ready for a complete tax reform - the Fair Tax. If you have not purchase the book by our Georgia Congressman John Linder and Neil Boortz, you really should. That book spells it out very easy for you what should be done. It was very evident by the fact this book was top on the national best seller list until Hurrican Katrina hit. Pay attention to the citizens of this country and do it right - The Fair Tax Plan.


Comment: Why don't you get rid of the IRS and all the complexity of tax code. Just allow HR 25 now in the House be passed. THE problem of tax reform will be solved. GO READ THE BILL!!


Comment: I am deeply disappointed in this panel's reccomendation to ignore the Fair Tax or something like it. This was our one shot at truely reforming the tax system in this nation and get a little extra money in our paychecks. Instead we get sold down the river by Republicans who were supposed to represent change for lobbying interest. Thanks for ruining the majority we worked so hard to build. I cannot vote for you all next year as reform of the government is not longer on your agenda. Apparently, raising my taxes is. I guess I will see you at the ballot box next year. Way to go kids!


Comment: I urge the panel to consider The Fair Tax (H.R.25 & S.25)as their recommendation to the President. The Fair Tax book has been on the New York Times bestseller list for nine weeks now, demonstrating that the American people have a genuine interest in REAL tax reform and the abolition of the IRS. The Fair Tax would completely eliminate the tax burden on the poor and many economists believe would greatly increase the U.S. economy, bringing trillions of dollars back to the U.S., instead of staying overseas. We have been anxiously awaiting your report and we want to see serious reform.


Comment: The news today suggests that your panel is going to suggest NEW TAXES in order to simplify the current tax code by reducing the cap on mortgage interest deductions, and reducing the amount employers can deduct for the cost incurred in paying employee health benefits.

This is just amazing and typical political stupidity. My congressman idnicated that he was waiting for your panel's recommendation to make a decision on what tax reforms to back. Well, if he follows your direction then the people of our state should make sure that he will soon be looking for a job.

Your panel is a complete failure.


Comment: I do not know why your panel will not have an open mind and consider the "Fair Tax" plan. It seems as though your commission is interested in raising taxes, or making the complex code even more complex, and adding to the cost of compliance with the tax code.

Your proposals do not promote long term growth, do not value home ownership, and do not simplify the tax code.


Comment: Anything less than a full and complete recommendation of the "Fair Tax" plan ain't gonna cut it with me and most of America. Your recommendation to cut the home mortgage interest from 1 million to 350 thousand is outrageous and just shows that for all of your intellect, all of you, you don't know your proverbial "asses from a hole in the ground". The "Fair Tax" proposal is simple. It will make America a "virtual Magnet" for business from around the world. People will bring home to their monthly budgets, their entire paycheck. The IRS will be abolished. The underground economy will finally pay taxes on the money they spend. On and on and on. You are a disgrace to the President and more so to the American People. No kind regards here,


Comment: The Fair Tax, HR25, is the answer. The President should fire this committee for its failure to produce viable recommendations.The ballot boxes will speak.


Comment: Dear Sirs: I am greatly disappointed in what I have read of your recomedations. I feel that the lobbyists have won and the American people have lost. I feel you non-endorsement of the FAIRTAX plan has put another nail in the coffin in american business


Comment: I hope you all have read "The Fair Tax Book". Now THAT'S real tax reform, not just nibbling around the edges of a system that is way too big, way too cumbersome and way too expensive to run and maintain.

I strongly urge you to consider the merits of the Fair Tax when you make your recommendations to the President.

As for me, the only candidates I will vote for in the coming elections are ones who support the Fair Tax.


Subject: Rejection of sales tax? Big mistake

Comment: From what I've heard out of this panel thus far, I see no "Tax reform" forthcoming. I see "Tax tweaking", and in 20 years it will all be undone - just as it has over the last 20 years (since the '86 tax reform measures). This will just be another insignificant panel that had a chance to encourage significant change, but didn't.

This panel has an opportunity to make a statement - that income tax is BAD and Consumption tax is better. If you believe everything you hear from organizations like the NRF, you obviously have not read or don't completely understand proposals such as the FairTax.

I'm a middle class American, and I understand that my kind may be the most adversely affected by this type of reform, but I understand the long-term implications of this reform, and I'm willing to take a set-back in the short-term in order to make this country better off economically in the long-term.

Please re-consider what you're doing by eliminating the Sales tax concept. Don't let self-interests like the NRF sway your decision making. Their research and analysis is severely skewed and short-sighted.

Thanks for your time.


Comment: Resist K-Street, it is time to throw out the IRS and start over. Read the Fair Tax Book and fix this thing before we get out of control, sorry more out of control! Do it now while we can!!!


Comment: The FairTax Act, a bipartisan bill sponsored by John Linder (R-GA) and Collin Peterson (D-MN) would remove the burden of the income tax and other federal income-based taxes.

The current tax system is incomprehensible. It is beyond reform. It simply has to go.

The FairTax Act would replace the current tax system with national consumption tax that will:

-Allow Americans to keep 100% of their paychecks, pensions, and Social Security payments. -Dramatically reduce the cost of goods and services by 20% to 30%. -Allow families to save more for homeownership, education, and retirement. -Raise the same amount of money for the federal government. -Make American products more competitive overseas.

I urge you to heed the vast majority of voters who will surely support you if you are seen as responsible for passage of this historical tax reform measure.


Subject: Make tax reform real

Comment: Claiming to have made "tough" choices on your proposed changes are ridiculous and are really the EASY choices. All you've done is increase the tax burden on the 50% of Americans who ACTUALLY pay income taxes. The tough choice, and the only one that benefits ALL Americans while boosting our economy, creating new jobs and removing all of the tax burden from poor Americans is the Fair Tax Act; HR 25 currently in the House of Representatives. There was a revolution 230 years ago because of taxes and if Americans' tax burden gets worse then there may very well be another revolt. Your panel needs to recommend real tax reform. Read the Fair Tax Book and educate yourselves


Subject: Forgive and Forget?

Comment: October 12, 2005

Members of the President’s Panel on Tax Reform,

Today I learned of your decision to NOT recommend the National Retail Sales Tax as a replacement for the corrupt, socialist Federal Income Tax. I find it difficult to understand whether your failure to do the right thing after months of study and millions of dollars of taxpayer money is due to corruption or spinelessness or both. I guess it really doesn’t matter which, the end result is the same, a committee on reform that reforms nothing, and in fact makes matters worse. Your decision highlights the ineptitude of all things governmental and amounts to a betrayal of the American people. May the Good Lord forgive you for your betrayal because I certainly will not.


Comment: You must consider the fair tax. As a constituent who votes in every election, I am dissapointed that a true reform is not being considered.


Comment: It is being widely reported that this commission is going to recommend that the only changes to the current tax code will be limited changes to the Home Mortgage deduction, a decrease in the Employer Health care deduction, and to do away with the AMT. The only thing I can say about this is " What a total waste of time and energy, and just another example that politicans cannot be trusted to come up with any other idea than a way to save power for themselves."

You had the opportunity to make significant changes to a system that penalizes hard work, is totally obtusive, unworkable, where compliance costs are prohibitive, cause business to run like hell from the U.S. and where even the employees of the IRS say is horribly broken.

In a time where it would have taken bold leadership and insight you have chosen to capitulate to the "K" street lobbyists to save your political asses.

We the people of the US have had enough of your "fixes", it's time to do away with this system and replace it with one that treats all people fairly. The Fair Tax movement has started and will not be stopped. We can't count on people like you so we'll have to do it ourselves via the ballot box.


Comment: The fact that you summarily rejected the idea of overhauling the current tax structure proves that you are simply masthead and have no intention of doing anything that might take power away from politicians (like yourselves) and give it to the individuals in this country who, by the way, pay your salary. There is no hope for this country - you are unprincipled short-sighted pragmatists with no backbone whatsoever. I hope you realize what sort of nation you are helping to create (or destroy).


Subject: panel not listening to comments on this site

Comment: If they were, they would not have rejected the idea of a National Retail Sales Tax (H.R. 25). Just politics in Washington as usual, I guess. This panel thinks the American people don't know what we're talking about.


Comment: I have just read on your web site that this committee is not recommending a complete overhaul of the current tax system. You are supposed to represent the hardworking taxpayers in this country and you are supposed to honestly, (if that is really possible in Washington DC) review different options to relieve the citizenry and still maintain tax revenue to run the government. Obviously you have all been bought off by the K-Street guys. Have you even thought of all the money you could all put in your own pockets if billions of dollars were returned to the United States, and the additional tax revenue generated by visitors, illegals, and other countries purchases in this country by the FAIR TAX PLAN? Have you even casually reviewed the piles of money flooding Washington DC that the taxpayer wouldn't even notice that could easily flow into your own pockets without the IRS by instituting the FAIR TAX PLAN? Obviously not. You guys need to get your heads out of the laps of K-Street and pay attention. If the Democrats ever figure out the obvious pluses to them and their constituents, the Republicans in Washington DC will again be reduced to an insignificant minority. And they will probably deserve it.


Comment: I cannot believe that your commission has announced that it will NOT recommend sweeping tax reform. Our current system has been broken for many years... as far back as the Carter Administration. Carter called the then current tax laws a disgrace. Since then, hundreds more confusing pages have been added to the thousands already controlling our every financial transaction. It's time to clean house and start over!


Comment: The American people have been exposed to the fair tax. We understand it and believe in it. The decision to ignore it is a disturbing. It is obvious that politicians are putting what they want above what the American people want and above what is best for the country. I will put my full effort into electing the opponent of those who do not endore this plan, republican or democrat. The American people want the fair tax plan. I beg you as a tax burdened citizen who loves this country to endorse it.


Comment: I think you have gone overboard on the mortgage deduction reduction. Find me the middle class house you can buy in my county anne arundel for a mere 300-350K with a good school. That price is so year 2000. My taxes would go up so much, I might have to declare bankruptcy. My wife and I are already paying out nearly $20,000 for daycare for my twins so that my wife can continue working in her federal job. Yet I believe the credit for daycare is a max 1200 for my income or worse a 5,000 deduction if I withold dependent care savings. Home ownership is at an all time high, yet you want to screw with the deduction. The building of these so called large homes has kept this economy on its legs for the past 5+ years and yet you want to pull the rug out. BTW, with the unequal values of the housing market throughout this country how is this fair to the high cost housing areas. My wife and I hold non-supervisory federal jobs of a nice grade level 13 and 14, yet because of that we don't qualify for certain tax breaks like the child credit or we have to reduce our schedule A deductions. Because we are rich? Rich is when you have tons of assets. I would rather you come back and say raise the tax rate on the higher levels up 3%, raise the salary level on social security up higher, but exempt the first 10K to even it out the overall hit. That way low income people get a tax break. If the mortgage tax break hits the high middle income people to hard, wait until all those homes go on the market and see where the housing market goes or worse the foreclosures.


Comment: I am a small business owner, a father, husband, and vetran of military service. I am and have been concerned with the current tax system since my teenage years(when I first started to educate myself regarding tax and government policy). It is my own humble opinion that the current system is very broken, and should be overhauled, not patched as has been attempted in the past. The best current idea hands down is the fair tax plan as outlined by Rep. John Linder of Georgia. Please become familiar with it prior to casting any judgment. It completely removes ALL federal tax burden (including Medicare, ss, etc.) from low income Americans, encourages savings and investment in the American economy by country's and individuals around the world. I hope you at least consider this simple, exceptional plan. Thank you for your time and service in the matter.


Subject: You're doing a swell job

Comment: Based on the news that has been released today (10/12/05) regarding your work, it appears to be business as usual. Thanks for the spineless, unimaginative and politician-friendly response to the crisis that is our tax system. If all it took was a bandaid, then this problem would have been fixed long ago, instead of getting worse.

If you had any guts at all, you would recommend a major overhaul, such as the fair tax bill, instead of sticking it to us again. Thanks for nothing ... I can only pray that Americans wake up and start dumping tea again and dumping all of the worthless policitians that infest the hallowed halls of government.


Comment: The tax reform panel has already demonstrated that reform is the last thing you are going to get done. If you call a tax increase on wealthy home owners "reform" (reducing interest deductions) or health care premiums on businesses "reform" then you make it clear that things are never going to change. The public has made it clear that it wants true reform: just look at the popularity of the idea outlined in the best selling "The Fair Tax" book. What IS true is that you government bastards just don't want to surrender the power that the tax code provides for manipulating our lives. You should all burn in hell!


Comment: To All Concerned

Tax reform is not the way to go, I am writing to encourage you to read the FairTax Book (H.R.25) written by Congressman Linder and Neal Boortz.

This is the only fair way to bring in revenues for the Federal Government.

Do not listen to the K Street Lobbyists, they are not for the citizens of this country, they are there for themselves.

Thank you for listening


Subject: Report Due in November

Comment: I notice the committe's report on tax revision is due to the President in November and have read the initial recommendations.

First, I am intensely grateful that President Bush set up the panel. Our present tax system and the continued spending mentality of ALL of our elected leaders is converting this great nation from one that is a shinning light for all to a third world debtor nation.

Your initial recomendations do nothing to halt this fall from grace.

The only way we can preserve our nation for our children is to eliminate the current tax system. While the committe did attempt a feeble effort in this direction regarding home mortage deductions, you did not go far enough.

Eliminate all deductions. In fact eliminate all income taxes. The state governments of Texas, Tennessee, and Florida have done so and their governments work will.

It is extremely simple: FAIR TAX


Comment: Tax Reform Panel,

I just finish reading Health, mortgage deductions eyed by William L Watts and to say that I am disappointed is an understatement. You were given the awesome responsibility to reform our joke of a tax system and the best you could come up with was a few more loop holes?

It looks like we will have the same old convoluted, outdated, loop holed, special interest loving, 20,000 page, congress loving thanks to its ability to vote buy, $200 billion/year compliance costing socialist system that we have now. On the up side: the IRS is proposing that they can fill out our tax papers for us and tell us what to pay (no conflict of interest there...and by the way if they make a mistake WE still pay the fine)--you know, to keep us stupid, uh I mean to make things easier for us and to keep those outrageous compliance costs in check (how thoughtful).

Why did you bother to waste time, energy and tax dollars if you weren’t going to change anything?


Comment: Panel,

This comment is easy, and to the point. HR 25 the "Fair Tax" is the best plan I have seen. This country would burts at the seams, with growth, if this panel has the strength to make a tuff dicission.

I hope you make the best choice

Thank you,


Subject: Where is the tax reform?

Comment: I am outraged by today's news that this so called tax reform panel has taken no action to reform the tax system, and that you have opted to raise taxes on the wealthy by lowering the cap on mortgage the interest deduction. My wife and I earn a combined salary of approx $100,000 and last year we paid out approx $48,000 in taxes just counting income, sales, fuel, and property taxes. Is it fair that we pay out 50% of our income in taxes? I would hate to see the total after adding in the hidden taxes such as import taxes. Enough is enough, we have got to have reform! You need to pass the Fair Tax


Comment: I'm hearing word that the "Tax Reform" panel is finishing it's work/recommendations for the President. I don't believe that curbing tax breaks for individuals and corp should be considered REAL Tax reform! The citizens of this county are fed up with the current tax system...this does not address the problem!!! The Fair Tax proposal will do this...congressman Linder's plan eliminates taxes for the poor in this country AND eliminates the need to file time consuming returns AND addresses the problem with individuals who fail to pay federal taxes....please reconsider and recommend meaningful tax reform.


Subject: Reform to FAIR TAX

Comment: Your panel, instead of simplifying the system, is just making it worse. I'm in real estate and just the "adjustment" on home mortgages (interest) over $350K will hurt the market for suppliers, workers and real estate, discourage folks from investing over $350K, lower the property tax base. And, this is just one aspect of your "simplification." The Fair Tax compensates the poor (like me - my income is well below $50,000 most of the time), increases savings and obtains taxes from EVERY PERSON WHO SPENDS MONEY IN U.S., including the crooks, drug dealers, illegals - those millions who don't report their income and more millions who cheat on their income taxes!!!


Comment: You meet for 6 months and come up with lower home interest deductions? What a crock. Where is the reform? How about the Fair Tax? Come on, do something other than more of the same.


Comment: What the advisery committee needs to look at is The Fair Tax Book by Neal Boortz and John Linder. Our tax system is a disgrace and a burden to the people of the United States. Why is the government so afraid to make changes that would benefit the people and the government. Read the book! It makes sense and would work.


Comment: Anything short of the fair tax I would consider goverment as usual.


Comment: Suffice it to say, I have done a large amount of reading on the subject of tax reform and have decided that any public official who cannot support the Fair Tax, as proposed by COngressman John Linder, will not receive my vote for re-election, be it to the Senate, House of Representatives or municipal dog-catcher. Tax rates today and, indeed, the entire tax code is broken and beyond repair...the founding fathers started a revoluation for less money that we're being asked to contribute to an already over inflated government. Say goodbye to this taxpayers vote unless a common-sense decision is made my this 'so called reform' panel.


Comment: Please, Please do not be closed minded, read the Fair Tax book, ask Congressman John Linder to address your committee. Make this committee more than just another raise the taxes committee. Keep America Strong


Comment: Please reconsider the National Retail Sales Tax. It is the best idea for an overall tax system that is fair to all, rich and poor.


Comment: Request that the panel consider funds withdrawn from any retirement account (401, 457, etc) not be taxed if used strictly for purchasing or paying off a PRIMARY RESIDENCE.

Eliminate or increase the qualifying amount for the AMT.

I strongly support the Fair Tax Proposal.


Comment: Please adopt the Fair Tax. The current tax system desperately needs to be replace with an "up-to-date" system.


Comment: The mess we call the federal income tax is a disaster. I have recently become aware of a tremendous underground economy, mostly involving recent immigrants to this country. The best way to receive the appropriate tax dollars from these people, reaping benefits, is to enact the Fair Tax introduced by Rep. John Linder. It sounds as though this commission, as so many of public financed commissions, are going to take the easy way out rather than try to correct this disastrous system once and for all. In 1994 people elected Republicans in droves hoping to change the way things are done in Washington. It did not work, the incoming officials have resorted to the same old tricks we were tired of. I hope I am wrong, I hope you don't take the easy way out and do what is best for the American people, not the lobbyists and politicians. We need a public discussion on the Fair Tax now.


Subject: Your announcement 10/12/05

Comment: This is not tax reform. This is a tax increase. You depend on people not knowing how economics and taxes work. Everytime govenment raises taxes or reduces deductions on businesses, prices for their product just increases and the American People pay for it. Get serious about tax reform and quit wasting taxpayers money for this shame of a tax panel


Comment: I am a self-employed accountant. I believe that John Lender & Neil Boortz's Fair Tax plan is an excellent one. This plan will not be an additional burden on the poor, however it will require people who are currently in the "undergroud economy" to pay their share of taxes based on consumer items that they buy.


Comment: The Fair Tax plan is the only way to balance the needs of the government and that of the individual. The monthly prebate even serves the interest of the poor even to a higher impact. WHY BASE OUR TAX SYSTEM ON THE SMALL PORTION CALLED INCOME, INSTEAD OF THE MUCH LARGER TOTAL ECONOMY.

Read Linder's Fair Tax book cover to cover. I hope it will change your mind. From your current activity, it is apparent that you don't know and fully understand the concept. If you do understand, and choose not to implement it, then you truly did not start with an open mind and are only looking out for the government's interests and not the taxpayers.


Comment: Why hasn't the Fair Tax been considered? Have you read the book and studied all the benefits of the Fair Tax? Simply getting rid of the AMT and lowering the Mortgage Interest Deduction isn't tax reform. Can't you see how normal Americans are in favor of the Fair Tax? I hope this isn't the only proposal you are going to make.


Comment: Dear Panel, I am an accountant and over the years, I have reviewed several different types of tax plans. The Fair Tax is the only plan that truly simplifies the tax code, treats all tax payers the same, stimulates economic growth and is revenue neutral. You should SERIOUSLY consider this alternative. I believe that it accomplishes all of your STATED objectives. If any of you haven't read the Fair Tax book, then I suggest you read it.

Every time one of these panels is put together, it has always suggested some sort of tax increase whether it is a rate increase or a reduction of deductions. I hope that you do the RIGHT thing. The American people are not stupid! Please make a meaningful recommendation such as the Fair Tax.





Comment: NONE OF YOUR RECCOMENDATIONS FIT YOUR MANDATE. The Advisory Panel will submit to the Secretary of the Treasury a report containing revenue neutral policy options for reforming the Federal Internal Revenue Code as soon as practicable, but not later than November 1, 2005. These options should:

simplify Federal tax laws to reduce the costs and administrative burdens of compliance with such laws; share the burdens and benefits of the Federal tax structure in an appropriately progressive manner while recognizing the importance of homeownership and charity in American society; and promote long-run economic growth and job creation, and better encourage work effort, saving, and investment, so as to strengthen the competitiveness of the United States in the global marketplace.



Comment: I have just learned that the advisory board dismissed the "Fair Tax Plan" by Senator John Lender & co-writer Neil Boortz. I hope that this is not so. I have always considered myself and voted Republican. But if this action is true I will have no alternative to vote Libretarian in ALL UPCOMING ELECTIONS. I will also be campaigning for the Libretarian Party as well. I must also add that the amount of TAX PAYERS MONEY that the Republican Party is spending is outrageous. This alone may influence me to Vote Libretarian from now on. Please keep in mind many Republicans feel this way. This may mean a change in all Government employees that are currently Republican.


Comment: I'm disappointed the commission seems unwilling to offer bold reform of our tax code. The "Fair Tax Plan" is better than any proposal I've seen with regards to simplifying the code, allowing tax neutrality and fairness. It seems increasingly obvious the government is only interested in maintaining power over the people and not in doing what's right for our country. Please look inside yourselves and take a courageous step instead of these non-measures which are politically expedient. Thank you.


Subject: Morons

Comment: The panel appears to be made up of a bunch of morons. The majority are men of letters which from my experience are not worth the value of the paper their status is written on. They all appear to be in the pocket of the politicians and lobbyists who are afraid of loosing thier influence. It is evident that the members need to go back to school and learn to read and develope comprhensive skills.



Comment: You have not followed your mission. You've raised taxes on me - someone with a mortgage/equity line over $350K. Thanks a lot. Why were there no business people on this panel - this is absurd. The fairtax - ok - this no. Any representative of mine who votes for this program will not receive my vote. In other words whomever backs this program I will work my hardest to get him/her voted out of office. Thanks for wasting $23,000,000 of our money to further empower government and their control.


Comment: Please read, understand (it's simple), and consider the FAIR TAX book as the option for true tax reform that will benefit all Americans. I would be interested in hearing your opinions on why you would reject this idea or find a better idea that would not discourage achievement and success. Why fix a system that's broken and expensive in it's current form. Again, I urge to to read the "Fair Tax" book and argue the points.


Comment: Based on the reports coming out now, I do not see that this commission is really going to reform our tax code. Just more raising of taxes - what a joke. I am very dissapointed.

Real tax reform is like the FairTax bills now in congress. Will the commission express what they don't like about the FairTax bill?

I will not vote republican or democrat (state/federal level) if the President's commission does not recommend true tax reform.


Comment: Committee Members:

I wish to convey to you my support for the Consumption based Fair Tax. The Flat Tax does not increase our competitive edge in the global market place and does not encourage savings over spending.

Simply adding more rules and restrictions to the IRS code does nothing to encourage growth in our economy, discourages compliance with an already absurdly complex system, and will not encourage personal investment in savings accounts. I could go on, but why since the comments coming from your committee are clearly biased towards maintaining the political power engrained in manipulation of the IRS code.

Although the time it takes to fill out a flat tax return would be short, the Consumption tax would take zero time. Also, the abusive IRS would remain fully intact with the flat tax continuing to cost us ridiculous amounts of money to administer and audit.

With Federal Government spending blatantly out of control, what better way to reduce the Budget than eliminate the IRS? I do follow the campaigns, educate myself on my representative’s position on the issues, and vote in each and every election. I am available to provide my support of your support of the Fair Tax Bill.

The rebate provision of the Fair Tax Bill completely overcomes the negative influence on the poor. This is not a valid argument for not supporting this bill.

Pressure needs to be applied to the Tax Commission to overcome their ignorance of the positive effects for the poor and to overcome the influence of Washington Lobbyist.

Best regards,


Subject: Appropriate & Fair Taxes

Comment: Why try to fix a tax system that is proven to stifle resource and economic growth. Replace it. Give us a tax system that will grow the economy. Fair HR25/S25. Thanks,


Subject: A tax increase, are you kidding?

Comment: A tax increase is the best this committee can do?

What a disgrace and a waste of taxpayer money. How about a wholesale overhaul of our counterproductive tax system. A Flat tax or the Fairtax would be a good starting point. I can't believe that Eastern European countries, former Communist countries no less, can get it right and learn from the mistakes of other countries and design a system that is simple and works and yet all this committee can do is suggest limiting deductions in the current system.

The committee should refund all money expended on this fool's errand from personal funds to the Treasury and hang its collective head in shame.


Comment: Members of the Panel,

I read an article today in the LA Times that indicated your consideration in reducing the cap on the home mortgage interest deduction. Let me begin by saying that I am strongly opposed to any measure which would increase the taxes on families in America. This option is a particularly poor choice. Reducing the amount of free capital that working families have to spend would cause a downturn in consumer spending and could ultimately result in a shrinking economy.

Second, as your panel is tasked with simplifying the tax code, let me recommend that you look more closely at the Fair Tax Plan (HR 25). I believe this to be the best solution for all Americans in terms of paying taxes. It is also the best option going forward for our country, as it would enable huge economic growth in all sectors of our economy. It has the added benefit of taking power away from an organization that routinely violates the rights of American families with impunity (the IRS).

Please consider the opinion of a humble American worker, husband, father, and taxpayer as you deliberate the best ways to bring tax reform to our great nation


Subject: Disappointment with Recommendations

Comment: Ladies & Gentlemen of the Tax Panel: Bloomberg news recently reported that your panel was going to recommend tax increases as your plan for tax reform. The article went on to say that your panel decided not to consider the National Sales Tax plan because it would "disproportionately hurt the poor." It is hard for me as an American citizen to fathom how a panel of "experts" could make such a illogical statement about the National Sales Tax plan and also come to the conclusion that reform is best accomplished by raising taxes. This news is very disheartening and will serve as motivation for me to begin my personal reform plan of voting those who oppose true reform out of office and replacing them with people that advocate less government, true tax reform and personal liberty. I urge you to rethink you recommendations. Thank you for your time.


1 posted on 10/12/2005 3:44:44 PM PDT by pigdog
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To: ancient_geezer; Principled; kevkrom; phil_will1; rwrcpa1; groanup; Bigun; Taxman; Kellis91789; ...

If you haven't Commented to the Panel - or better yet to your elected Federal representation, this might be a darned good time to do so.

2 posted on 10/12/2005 3:47:01 PM PDT by pigdog
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To: pigdog


3 posted on 10/12/2005 3:49:24 PM PDT by ConservativeBamaFan
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To: pigdog
A bit different: You started the thread, then put the meat of it in the first reply.

But - Thanks for contributing.

(Oh, by the way, did you notice that the "panel" was 9 (out of 12) college professors? NO businessman, NO public, NO taxpayers, NO wage earners. Just a bunch of theoretical college professors.

Can THEY think any more at schools?
4 posted on 10/12/2005 3:51:32 PM PDT by Robert A Cook PE (-I contribute to FR monthly, but ABBCNNBCBS supports Hillary's Secular Sexual Socialism every day.)
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To: Robert A. Cook, PE

Yes - and if you'll notice a number of the comments picked up on that. The American people ain't altogether dumb - just slow to act.

And almost 100 years of this nonsense is more than enough.

5 posted on 10/12/2005 4:02:49 PM PDT by pigdog
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To: pigdog

Still, they will do what they want.

6 posted on 10/12/2005 4:08:32 PM PDT by satchmodog9 (Free choice is not what it seems)
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To: pigdog

Tom Cruise is deeply saddened.

7 posted on 10/12/2005 4:09:44 PM PDT by Willie Green (BWAAAAAA-Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!)
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To: Mo1; doug from upland; Peach; Alamo-Girl; b4its2late; SweetCaroline; retrokitten; cripplecreek; ...

I hope that every one of you will go after these blood sucking vampires on this. Where have you gone, Chief Negotiator, we miss you.

8 posted on 10/12/2005 4:09:54 PM PDT by Bahbah ( Water Buckets UP!)
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To: Bahbah

LOL! Thanks for the ping!

9 posted on 10/12/2005 4:19:55 PM PDT by saveliberty (Smile. It will drive the DU crazy. They will think that you are in on Rove's Master Plan. Bwaha!)
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To: pigdog
Pres Bush should declare their recommendations totally inadequate and tell them to go back to the drawing board.
10 posted on 10/12/2005 4:20:50 PM PDT by paul51 (11 September 2001 - Never forget)
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To: windcliff


11 posted on 10/12/2005 4:24:43 PM PDT by I Drive Too Fast
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To: satchmodog9

NO ... they will do what WE want. The voting public has more political power than you may realize.

It's time to use it otherwise we'll have to wait another 100 years. Contact all your congresspersons.

12 posted on 10/12/2005 4:28:56 PM PDT by pigdog
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To: pigdog

Well obviously those aren't all the comments they received because MINE'S NOT THERE. Everyone write these bazoons.

13 posted on 10/12/2005 4:30:27 PM PDT by groanup (shred for Ian)
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To: pigdog

Pardon my whilst I bump this thread a few times.

14 posted on 10/12/2005 4:31:09 PM PDT by groanup (shred for Ian)
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To: Willie Green

He probably is but not for the reason you think.

He'll cough up lots of money in taxes under the FairTax - and so will most of the "Hollywood elite" - and that's quite appropriate.

15 posted on 10/12/2005 4:31:20 PM PDT by pigdog
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To: pigdog


16 posted on 10/12/2005 4:31:30 PM PDT by groanup (shred for Ian)
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To: pigdog


17 posted on 10/12/2005 4:31:57 PM PDT by groanup (shred for Ian)
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To: pigdog


18 posted on 10/12/2005 4:32:23 PM PDT by groanup (shred for Ian)
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To: Bahbah

You can believe that Chief is smiling down on us ... and saying Semper Fi!!

19 posted on 10/12/2005 4:32:51 PM PDT by pigdog
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To: paul51

He could I suppose, but I think he's more likely to say "... we've got a fully formed bill before the House that meets the requirements even if the panel can't. Let's go with HR25 since it's supported by the American people".

20 posted on 10/12/2005 4:36:28 PM PDT by pigdog
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