To: Pukin Dog
But the administration makes a much worse mistake when they attack those who question Miers with the sexist and elitist tags. Of course, some of those attacking Miers were doing so on the basis that she was an alleged "affirmative action" pick, and some (like Coulter and Ingraham), on the basis that she didn't go to a good enough school.
I don't think the Administration was attacking everyone who questioned Miers as sexist or elitist. But I do think they had to respond to those particular attacks.
To: XJarhead
Correct, but they should have done so with tact, and in private. Publicly calling your supports sexist because they dont agree with you, when a young Black woman is the current Secretary of State, smacks of desperation and anger. Laura Bush and Ed Gillespe took the low road, and it will cost Bush some of that Conservative loyalty he depends on.
999 posted on
10/11/2005 10:53:36 AM PDT by
Pukin Dog
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